Limoges Diver
Cracking pressure is how much suction you have to put on the regulator to get the valve to open and deliver air. It should be almost, but not quite effortless. When regulators have a "pre-dive" setting, what that does is increase the cracking pressure, to make it more difficult for air to come out and reduce the likelihood of freeflows. If you don't change that to "dive", you have to work harder than you should to draw air from the regulator, and this can increase the chance of CO2 retention.
Thank you - thought so, and I could have researched this, but your answer is very clear to the point!
The point you are making here is that the cracking pressure is something that can be adjusted once you're in the water, right? I have 2 mouthpieces: one with and one without an adjustment. I was told that the one with the adjustment is my back-up one. Anyway. I am now thinking about buying a new regulator, octo, etc... so I know that I have enough air delivery and dependable equipment. I was thinking about a ScubaPro setup that has a lifetime warranty for parts. I know this isn't an equipment-related thread, but does anyone have any recommendations regarding regulators that have lifetime parts warranty and have the ability to give this air hog enough air?
Now, its Monday morning when replying to you, and I still have soreness in my neck, still am a bit dizzy and I have a slight headache still. 2.5 days later??? If I had not enough air being delivered, would that result in these symptoms? I thought that what I was feeling was Co2 retention. I was also under the understanding that Co2 retention headaches go in a few minutes to a few hours - not a few days.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I am assuming that my regulator could get checked out to find out what the cracking pressure is. I want to know even if I'm buying a new regulator since I want to make sure that it was the equipment that failed and not my body.