very interesting thread, I tried it a few times,
to work to hard in current, use too much air, feel the panic come,
get smart and calm down, and rest, get brain back in function,
and enjoy the rest of the dives.
also cold water tend to have an added panic posibility, specially when combined with other factors.
the worst one I tried so far was to get seperated from my group.
when diving with a group, there is not always a real buddy assigned to you,
so no one feel specially attached to you. (maybe we should change this a bit??)
The story:
alot of current at wreck site, 24-28 meters deep, nice warm water, good vis,
did not mind the group for a short time while looking on wreck,
had to work very hard for a long time to try to catch up,
had to give up, acid in legs, looking at air gauge wow going down very fast due to huge work load at depth, minor panic, fast thinking needed,
ok gotta go for the surface NOW! was in my mind, heart started to hammer harder,
breath got even futher up, oh no, that is not good I was thinking, I managed to calm my self down, no more movements, acent rate just under the SLOW marking on my computer, (actually 1-2 warnings) arrived at 6 m I was supposed to perform safe stop, but now only 10 bar left, no SMB (I know dumb fault) and all others where gone and no idea where boat was, I desided to skip the stop and goto surface after only a few sec of stop, (one more acent warning) at the surface, all was good, heart rate back to normal, boat was in sight, held up one arm steady, saw boat turn, gave big OK sign, saw ok back from boat, so just sit back and wait for pickup,
40 sec later I was on boat, 10 minutes later it was no big deal, I was compleetly ok.
performed 3 more dives same day, focus on less stress, more air margin, and less work load, and that worked out fine.
Later that night I told my wife about this,
and showed her the curve from the computer,
and we had a nice argument about it, well deserved, she is AOW diver too.
after this experiance, I purchased a pony tank 30cft (4L) and extra regulator set for it,
I take it with me on every deep dive, just in case some things happens,
I newer got to use it, but just the feeling to know it is there, makes me relax so much more.