Pair of Gunnels or a juvenile Wolf Eel?

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Chief Narctopus Wrangler
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Puget Sound, WA
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Dove Alki Junkyard last night and came across these two little beauties. The orange one looks like a wolfy to me but I've been told they're both gunnels. The square jaw with narrow head and pectoral fin along with the coloring suggest wolf eel imo. I don't have a clear shot of it but the teeth on the orange one were visible. I'm not trying to argue with other diver who is also on this site, just hoping for another set of eyes and some education for me. Thanks
I don’t know what the picky people would call them but for me they fit into the “small” fish category with one of them fitting the sub category of “small orangy “fish.
Dove Alki Junkyard last night and came across these two little beauties. The orange one looks like a wolfy to me but I've been told they're both gunnels. The square jaw with narrow head and pectoral fin along with the coloring suggest wolf eel imo. I don't have a clear shot of it but the teeth on the orange one were visible. I'm not trying to argue with other diver who is also on this site, just hoping for another set of eyes and some education for me. Thanks
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I swear I saw a very similar picture on FB the other day (not exactly the same, but close).
You did. I posted it on Thursday night @ Redondo last night. Based on my description Jess and I thought baby wolfies. @davehicks killed my joy with his identification as gunnels. But like I said, I just want to learn a bit more.
Here is a good place to learn more about Gunnels, including some that look just like yours!

Here is a good place to learn more about Gunnels, including some that look just like yours!

Thanks Dave. Like I said above I'm not trying to disagree or argue, just making sure I know what I'm looking at the next time. Slowly getting into looking at the little critters and hoping me eyes and opinions can grow my knowledge in it. I do appreciate you helping me.
I suggest you buy this book if you don't already have it. Great pictures, lots of species' information. The more you know, the more you will see. It really adds a lot to your experience.

I suggest you buy this book if you don't already have it. Great pictures, lots of species' information. The more you know, the more you will see. It really adds a lot to your experience.

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I don't have much in the way of species ID books. Just a few things on nudis and the old fish charts from when I started in 2001.

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