David Watson
Glycerin:Just google penetration
haha, thanks buddy, that entertained me for a few hours.
MHK:"Discussing emergency procedure; reviewing line procedures; independent air source" et. al., but it is a whole entirely different matter if they aren't included in the skill portion of the class. For example, do they train for no vis exit? Do they teach the proper propulsion techniques? What do they mean by "independent redundant air source ( are they OK with a Spare Air)? Are doubles required? Are they discussed? Did they teach the failure points? Do they teach the proper procedures to follow if there is a reg or manifold failure? What about lights, primary and back-up? What about light communication? What about team position?"
What about an appropriate gas to use? Can you take this class and not be nitrox certified? Are they going to take these people down to the Yukon on air? However much I like feeling completely stoned while I'm trying to navigate through an overhead environment, I'll leave the intoxicated penetrations for after the dive.