Originally Posted by MoonWrasse
PADI penetration is defined as 1/3 air to get in 1/3 to exit, 1/3 in reserve. Also no more than 40 meters total travel including descent, and you must see the natural light of your entrance at all times during penetration.
If this is really what PADI is teaching then they need to revisit their training procedures, this will get someone killed in the open ocean, especially at 40 meters.
David Watson:
I can't believe PADI would be this irrational...
or can I?
Can someone please post some more definitions regarding penetration?
I hate to yet again be the bringer of BAD news but MoonWrasse and MHK are giving PADI way more credit than they deserve.
I just finished reviewing the course standards and the instructor outline to refresh my memory and...
The penetration limit is 130 ft total distance from the surface but there ARE NO gas planning requirements. I don't have the student text handy but there is no mention of gas planning in the instructor outline and certainly no mention of any version of the rule of thirds with the exception that it is recommended that the instructor does not violate the rule of thirds. The "rule of thirds", however, is not defined.
Determining gas limits is a requirement of the penetration dive but I see no mention as to how that should be done.
I also see that the rule of thirds is mentioned in the knowledge review with a reference to the text so, again, I don't have the text handy but it apparently says something in there...however, there is NO standards based requirement that students dive within the rule of thirds (any version of it).
This shouldn't be too surprising since, if I'm not mistaken, the requirement to dive within the rule of thirds was only recently added to the cavern course.
I would again stress the same concerns I expressed a few pages back in this thread, a couple of years ago.