PADI Law Enforcement diver?

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I saw that pop up somewhere. Anyone familiar with it? I asume it's PADIs version of PSD.
I saw that pop up somewhere. Anyone familiar with it? I asume it's PADIs version of PSD.

Put Another Dollar In is trying to corner the market on that oft heard but never seen undercover diver the "SCUBA Police."

In order to become one you used to have to be recruited and pass the ultra secret initiation and training.

There is $$ to be had by mainstreaming the training.

And before anyone starts bashing me for agency bashing, I'm not just a member, but also a divemaster (so that means I pay them $$ too!) :wink:
I understand why they are doing it, I was just trying to find out about it. I cant log into the padi pro section for some reason and searching the padi site gives me no results.
Everytime I sware Im not paying PADI anymore, I break out the check book again for something.
I wouldn't mind finding out further details, also.
IMHO any, and I mean any agency, that governs training directly related to sport diving should not venture outside of sport diving period.

PSD is so contradictory to sport diving I can’t see how they can say one thing and then turn around and say something totally different.

AHHhhhhh, unless it has the possibility of padding the pockets of the administration.

It was a couple of months ago when someone said they were a PADI PSD instructor. When questioned about it they claimed to be one of only a hand full. I think it ended up being that the class was PRE-PSD training what ever the heck that is.

PSD is in no way shape or form sport diving and never will be. So the sport agencies just need to keep their noses out of it.

That would be like FORD using Fiesta’s to train new over the road truck drivers hauling haz-mat.

I guess they figure the PSD causality rate isn’t high enough.

Gary D.
It sounds like someone's pulling your leg. My favorite PADI "course" is the Night Cave Diving specialty.
Sounds like a Distinctive Specialty that wouldn't be listed on the PADI site. I know a deputy in Texas that has a PSD distinctive specialty he put together. Although his requires about 25 dives to complete. He will credit some dives, such as Rescue Diver, etc to that.
It sounds like someone's pulling your leg. My favorite PADI "course" is the Night Cave Diving specialty.

Damn! You can cave dive at night? I can't believe how much potential dive time I've wasted...
"That would be like FORD using Fiesta’s to train new over the road truck drivers hauling haz-mat. "
I think thats how they do it here in Hawaii.

So if anyone has any first hand info, Id love to hear about it. Thanks
Would it be fair to say 'BS' to the rumor? I just logged into the pro section and there is no mention of anything of the sort.

However... I wouldn't put it passed them or some Instructor to put something together as a specialty (such as Helo-scubadiver)... did see that one.

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