Ascents, emergency decompression, hang tanks, sac rates, consumption calculations and dive planning was all covered in the deep part of AOW. Redundant "on-diver" air sources was one of the topics, but not practiced which would be the only part of what you mentioned that wasnt..
If thats the norm or just me getting lucky with the instructor I cant say for sure, but it was part of my AOW.
I can say for sure.... you were lucky!

Here is what PADI specify for the AOW Deep Dive
Skills Overview
Knowledge Review
Timed Task on Surface
Assembling and Positioning Emergency Equipment (if appropriate)
Suiting Up
Predive Safety Check (BWRAF)
Timed Task on Bottom
Depth Gauge Comparisons
Ascent Safety Stop
Log Dive Complete Adventure Dive Training Record
Whilst I think your instructor did an excellent job in introducing all of that material to you, it seems a bit condensed to do it all on one dive - and expect it to become ingrained and familiar. Hence, the Deep Speciality.... more chance to practice, refine, recieve feedback, gain further insights.