Capt Jim did not quote all the relevant parts of the Instructor Manual for Deep Diver.
Appropriate gas management is talked about multiple times in the class. For example, one of the performance objectives of Deep Dive One -- which, by the way, is also the Deep Dive for AOW -- is this:
Plan and manage gas use, including determining turn pressure, ascent pressure and reserve pressure. Establish no stop and dive time limits.
In the briefing for Deep Dive One, it is suggested to:
5. Have buddy teams plan their turn pressure, ascent pressure and reserve pressure for the dive based on gas supply limits.
6. Have buddy teams establish maximum depths and bottom times, and plan and plan contingency profiles for longer and deeper dives than planned.
A performance standard for Deep Dive One is specifically about gas management:
a. Before beginning the descent, remind divers to check their starting pressure and make a note of their turn pressure.
b. During the dive, check cylinder pressures at irregular intervals to confirm appropriate gas management.
Deep Dives 2-3-4 have similar statements.
Other parts of he IM and the Deep Diver Student Manual discuss gas consumption rates, and how to determine if you have enough gas for the dive.