Yes you have to do a recipricol heading in AOW, actually two, but unlike OW, in AOW you have to use measurements.
In open water
I find nothing in the IM where OW skills are credited towards AOW.
Extra practice never hurt anyone.
In open water
Instructor Manual:Conduct only on Dive 2, 3 or 4
Compass Navigation Swim a straight-line reciprocal course using a compass. Each diver navigates out and back.
If the instructor exceeded standards by teaching and requiring students to navigate out and back using kick cycles, then he just exceeded standards. Your "friend" still has to meet the AOW requirements.AOW Manual:3. Navigate to a predetermined location and return to within 15 metres/50 feet of the starting point using natural references and estimated distance measurement
(kick cycles or time). Surface only if necessary to verify direction or location.
5. Navigate without surfacing to a predetermined location and return to within 6 metres/20 feet of the starting point using a compass and estimated distance measurement (kick cycles or time).
6. Swim a square pattern underwater, returning to within 8 metres/25 feet of the starting point using a compass and beginning from a fixed location.
Recommended size of square each side 30 metres/100 feet, or total combined length of approximately 120 metres/400 feet.
I find nothing in the IM where OW skills are credited towards AOW.
Extra practice never hurt anyone.