wysmar:I believe the word advanced in AOW means advenced exposure to the sport in comparison to what one is exposed in OW class NOT advanced experience. One can only obtain experience by diving. Can somone obtain this advanced level w/o the AOW class? Absolutely, that's why you log your dives and read scubaboard and go outside the box that is PADI/NAUI etc...
That said, I have taken the PADI AOW class right after OW. Am I a better diver for it? I believe so... I wouldn't have benefited as much had I waited longer to take the class.
I agree! If Laura and I had put more time between our OW and AOW classes, the time would only have been surface interval. Without dive buddies, who would we have dived with?
Perhaps instead of OW and AOW, they should be OW 1 and OW 2?