Packing for backpacking/diving trip

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South East Asia
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In 4 weeks I will be leaving for a 6 month backpacking trip around the world, hitting many of the good dive spots. Despite talking to many people, I am still thoroughly confused as to what to bring and would fully appreciate any pointers or insight from people who have done it... or at least know someone who has.

Off the top I'm going to apologize for all the detail that i'm about to provide, but hopefully by sharing first my itenary and second my concerns as far as budgeting and other practical matters that I'll get some specific and relevant feedback. As well, and secondary to feedback on packing, feel free to reply with any other travel related stuff or issues for any of the destinations.

Oh too, before I start.. The purpose of the trip is equally about see the world AND diving... and my travelmate is an OWSI from Oz... I'm currently a DMC from Toronto. She DOESN'T want to bring her gear, I DO. We are both pretty broke...

1. Itenerary

-(3rd week in Aug): Vancouver, BC, Canada -- Stay 2 weeks
-Driving from Van to Toronto for about a week, through Canada.

-(3rd week in Sept): Toronto to Cuba -- staying in hostels mostly and taking the bus around the country

-(2nd week in Oct): Cuba to Costa Rica -- same as Cuba

-(1st week in Nov): Costa Rica to Miami -- Going on Blackbeards... hopefully

-(2 week of Nov): Leave Miami, the going to London, Paris, and finally ending up in Singapore (3rd week of Nov)

-(end of Nov): Flying from Singapore to Australia where I'll be kicking it and going around the Country... or at least to Cairns for 3 months

-(end of Feb): Flying from Oz to California... stay their may be for a bit then I have a flight back home to Toronto.

2. Concerns and Issues

-Expecting to make at least 100 dives..

-I currently have a LadyHawk, Blizzard reg and basic alt., a puck computer, a highend premium full 3 mm., a CD2X drysuit, fins/w boots (ie non fullfoot). Obvious other stuff... All the stuff is mostly only a year old... and I love my gear.

-Insurance cost and the idea of having my stuff stolen

-Carrying this stuff around, and what to carry it in. My travel mate is much bigger than me (ie can throw a couple of tanks over her shoulders)... but I am pretty petite and often find carrying equipment pretty heavy in my soft should strap dive bag.... perhaps something I'll get better at once I'm a DM =).

-to bring it at all... and otherwise the cost of renting.

-I'd rather cut back on clothes and bring my gear. My travel mate agrees that since I'll be AU for 3 months I should bring it... whereas she can just pick her stuff up from home once we're there.

OK, AGAIN big sorry for making this so... long. But hopefully a couple of fellow backpacker/divers will sort me out on this thread.
If it were me, I'd take my regs, computer, and mask. The other stuff can be rented. I realize you don't have a lot of money, but since you're planning to carry a backpack, the BC, wetsuit, drysuit, and fins not only take up a lot of room, but also add a lot of weight. Considering that your BC and wetsuit will retain moisture and be heavier, think of how heavy your bag will be for a day or two after each dive.

The other thing is maintenance. You can always find a sink to rinse your small stuff in, but the bigger stuff can be a huge hassle to be able to rinse and dry properly.
Wow! I'd love to do that. But you're going to need some money.

DiveMe gave good ideas on what to carry. Wouldn't be bad to have a contact list of Canadian embassies, a copy of your Passport page and a couple of extra passport photos in case you have to replace it.

Otherwise, my mind boggles at the thought of such an adventure...
Wow! Color me green.
Ya, my name should be 'LuckyGirl' not 'CrazyGirl'.... I am VERY lucky to have both the time and money to do-it-up like this.

Thanks for teh passport tips, I am definitely going to make copies. Have to do other crazy travel things in the next few weeks like get vaccinations. I'm not too sure about Canadian embassies in ALL of these places, which i should definitley look in to. I've heard though as a Canadian that second best to our own embassy is a British or American one.

I still feel compelled to bring my entire dive kit with me... (ie BC, reg, computer, 3mm and m.,f.,s).

Perhaps feedback on a good (unmarked)gear bag would be best or otherwise additional strong arguments as to why I shouldn't bring my BC, 3mm, and fins.

Too, I would definitely appreciate feedback (may be a ballpark figure) on the cost of renting in these places over several days.

Presumably you are intending to work for some of your dives if you are short of cash? If so, especially as a DM in Cairns for example I am pretty sure that rental gear would be covered. Diving there is pretty expensive otherwise, as is all boat diving and long rides to the reef, although being on the spot you can pick up pretty cheap liveaboards, which will be by far the most economical way of doing it per dive. Gear rental would not add much to the cost of these trips - most assume that you do not have gear, and the prices quoted include rental. Elsewhere in Aus, expect to pay $A40 - $70 per day, depending on packages offered, for gear rental. One thing to note is that having some gear will not make it much cheaper - the cost of hiring a BC, wetsuit and fins, for example, will be pretty close to the cost of hiring a full set.
Hi CrazyGirl,

You've got an incredible trip ahead of you! Lucky, indeed. Challenged, though, as well, to my mind, as far as gear issues are concerned. I've done some hostelling in my time and, while these were, overall, extremely positive experiences, theft is (or was, back then) a real issue. The idea of leaving expensive gear in a hostel room, especially a communal one, would be anathema to me. Insurance, of course, would mitigate the concern, but be sure to check all the fine print; these policies have more loopholes than a crocheted afghan!

As far as traveling with gear goes, I use LL bean stuff. Their biggest, "deluxe" bookpack, with a "Bihn Bag" laptop carrier insert, serves as my computer, dive reg, mask and dive computer carrier, as well as holding chargers, power supplies and batteries. Unfortunately the specific model of backpack has been discontinued but it seems from recent web searches, that similar models are available. Another option, one my brother raved about in a recent trip all over Europe, is one of the rolling backpacks with detachable daypacks. There are lots of those on the web as well.

I bring all my other gear, excluding tanks and weights, in LL Bean's largest, rolling duffle bag. It's very unassuming looking, but built like iron, with a thick, solid plastic platform "sled" bottom and excellent wheels. The bottom's encased in rhino-tough cordura. The upper portion of the duffle has no structure but holds an enormous amount of stuff when filled. It's made of extremely strong pack cloth. This "extra large" duffel is techincally oversized by airline standards, but I've never been hassled, other than once asked to remove my hiking boots to bring it under the 70kg limit.

Both these bags have survived tremendous abuse over perhaps 30,000 miles and five years of travel. Both collapse when unpacked and store easily in tight quarters.

You may want to look into nylon travel clothing. I've had two shirts, two pairs of long pants and two shorts made by Ex Officio for years and years. They're virtually weightless, take up next to no room when packed, wash easily in a sink and dry almost instantly. I've done some serious climbing/hiking in them and even heavy abrasion barely damaged the material.

I've had less than stellar experiences with the "space bags" and the like which purport to shrink packed clothing by collapsing and creating a vaccuum with a zip-lock type seal. Every brand I've tried has leaked! Though they do serve the purpose of isolating wet clothing from dry.

Have a fanatastic trip...I know you will. You'll be bringing a piece of our hearts with you!

I'm leaving now in 2 weeks, and have decided to bring my kit: BC, reg, m.,f.,s., and 3mm.
I have yet to insure my gear. DAN does have different packages, but I'd like to shop around first. ANy suggestions?
Wow..s sounds like a great trip. I note that you've decided on what to take, but I'll go ahead and give my $.02. You didn't say which parts of the trip you're diving on, so I'll assume all of them.

I would consider taking the drysuit over the 3mil. If you dive somewhere cold, you're going to be glad you have it, and when you get to the warmer spots you can just wear shorts under it, or thin long pants if you have a problem with pinching.

For sure take your own reg. Sounds like everything else you mentioned is good.

I've never insured my gear before (other than what comes with DAN membership), but you probably should considering your travelling. I recommend DAN.

Have fun!!
Just a post to let All know about my solution to this packing problem...

I have found very little info on this board (or elsewhere for that matter) on how to plan/pack for a dive trip that is also a 'backpacking' trip.... For this reason I thought I'd share my plan...

First off I decided to bring my gear... Financially it doesn't make sense to rent, when I'm going to be doing dozens of dives in each of Cuba, Costa Rica, Bahamas, and Australia. It is completely unaffordable to rent gear for this many dives.

To deal with how to carry my gear, I brought my kit (along with my dive buddy) to MEC ( a mountain equipment store) and spent some time seeing how my equipment could fit into various packs. Overall I was planning on getting a backpack that could fit both my gear and my other belongings.

Settled on an 86L backpack which I can fit my BC, 3mm, and regs all safely into the separate sleeping bag compartment..! Fins fit down the sides easily... The main section of the pack can, no problem, fit all my other regular belongings.

Hope this helps all those thinking about taking a trip like this.

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