P-valves(yes again)

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Originally posted by Nitrox Junkie
I was going to get the valve but it seems like it would be dificult to rout the plumbing through all the undergarments.
Well it does take a little more time and careful placement of the plumbing apparatus but it beats the alternative....

We have a strategically place hole in our undergarments for passing the tube... if you need details on the plumbing PM me... I am far too shy to say more here in public. :eek:
Originally posted by Uncle Pug
if you need details on the plumbing PM me... I am far too shy to say more here in public. :eek:

Hey Pug, CC me on the plumbing PM please.

Its kind of a long story with the nex-gen.Like i said before the nex-gen is an awesome suit.Its just that transitioning from active duty army reserves from the sept 11 attacks back to my civilian job put me in a serious money bind and had to sell some of my gear.Unfortunately the drysuit was one of the things i sold.I was debating on buying another but opted to go with the bare hd for the self entry feature and more heavy duty construction.Luckily im back on track and can buy some more gear to replace the stuff i sold.
Had me worried; I bought my Next-Gen soon after you. It’s great for the kind of diving I do.
Glad everything is getting back to normal…chasing plain old scumbags.

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