P-valves(yes again)

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Central CA, Now Christchurch New Zealand
Finally broke down and purchased a Bare HD drysuit from my LDS.Im looking for a good mail order p valve at a decent price.Leisure pro has the oms for 142.00.A bit costy but looks nice.Does anyone know if the oms unit requires any glue or anything.That way if i do order one i can everything i need at once(p valve, glue, etc....)Also does anyone have a pic of the si-tech p valve.I hear there a bit bulky but i can get one for a decent price from bob3 i think.Im open for suggestions so let me know.Thanks!!
And they all require glue as far as I know. I believe Aquaseal (and cotol) is mostly recommended.

LP actually has the OMS in stock? They're generally out it seems. Dive-Rite is the same valve as OMS by the way.

Let us know how it all goes as I'll be making the same decision soon. I also like the OMS/DR but I can get Halcyon locally.

...doesn't work with this one does it... :D

Well... I have Halcyon p-valves in both suits and did examine the OMS...

Might want to ask the question... "What is the means of dealing with a simultaneous condom failure and check valve failure to prevent a suit flood?"
Good point pug!! I may just go with the halcyon setup that way if there is a failure ill just put the bolt back in.Does anybody have anything good to say about the oms valve before i buy a halcyon?
Also still looking for opinions on the si-tech valve.
I think the simultanious failure of the condom and check valve is pretty unlikely. Sure, it can happen but I think convienience of not having that screw sticking out may be worth the risk. I think I'm going with the OMS, I just don't like the construction of the Halcyon.

If you do a board search on "pee valve" you'll find lots of discussion. One person, PADISCUBAPRO I think, very highly recommends the OMS/DR version.

As for hole making tools, you can make one fairly easily but I found this which looks good and cheap http://www.micro-tools.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=MT&Product_Code=791LP. It's a set of leather punches from 1/8" to 3/4" for only 10.95.

Hey all!

I have been concidering makeing he p-valve purchase as well. I have read that a lot of deep divers simply wear depends (Diapers) instead of installing the valve. Have you ever heard of anyone going this rout? I know it sounds crazy but if it works!

Jeff Great lakes diver
Yes i have heard of divers wearing depends.I think id rather hold it than go that route.Just the thought of wearing a diaper...yuk...plus the smell being trapped in your drysuit.Its definitely gonna be a p-valve for me.
Originally posted by WreckWriter
Sure, it can happen but I think convienience of not having that screw sticking out may be worth the risk.
Hi Tom...
I don't leave my bolt in place...

I keep my bolt ziptied to a small boltsnap clipped off in the right pocket... the zip is one of the small ones and easily broken when twisted to free the bolt for use... the boltsnap also doubles as a back up boltsnap for my liftbag spool... when you drop one of those it makes it hard to wind up and secure the spool... good to carry a spare.
Depends is not the way to go. Trust me on this one. I repeat, Depends is not the way to go.
Thanks D/S

I get the point to not go that rout. I was going to get the valve but it seems like it would be dificult to rout the plumbing through all the undergarments. I will not use the depends. Sounds like you know from experience. I will heed the warning.


Jeff Great lakes diver

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