Oxyguage and the 40 meter limit

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Lars -DK

Reaction score
Hi there,

As I’m thinking of purchasing a second O2 measurer, I got a question to those of you with experience on the Oxyguage.

I’ve been searching the group for answers but without luck.

I can understand that the Oxyguage only works to a depth of 40 meters.
Is there a way of overruling this limit?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Lars - DK
What is an Oxygauge??
Lars -DK:
I can understand that the Oxyguage only works to a depth of 40 meters.
Is there a way of overruling this limit?
Lars, the Oxygauge manual says the depth limit is 40m. That may well be because they are made for the Dräger SCRs for which Dräger set the same depth limit.
The Oxygauge's data sheet lists 50m as maximun operating depth.
(If you want me to send you a copy e-mail me.)
You might also consider a different pO2 monitor. HS Engineering http://www.hs-eng.com/ here in the US sells single cell monitors (like the Oxygauge) as well as tripple cell monitors (for use in CCRs) through Oxycheq http://oxycheq.com/index.html . Manuals are posted on either site.
Tech Blue sells the Jetsam pO2 monitors as used in the KISS CCR in single, double and tripple cell versions http://www.tech-blue.com/ .
If you use it with a Dräger SCR or Azimuth, the Uwatec ZO2/Oxy2 combo would work (Ray & Azi with adapter) well and would be my choice over an Oxygauge.

detroit diver:
What is an Oxygauge??
Dave, the Oxygauge is a single cell pO2 monitor made by Dräger for their SCRs. They will monitor the O2 content in the loop which can vary largly depending on the diver's metabolic rate. This gives the diver a way to monitor the actual gas he breathes and take action (flush the loop with fresh gas) to prevent it from becominng hypoxic. Or hyperoxic if you're too deep for your chosen mix.
Dear Caveseeker7

Thanks for your informative reply.

I’m diving on a Dolphin in SCR mode, with a VR3 + sensor.
As I’m considering some slight modifications I want extra safety from another sensor, but at the same time keep cost level down on the second O2 measurer.

I have heard from many that the Oxyguage has some limitations and even leaks, but was really caught my attention was the acoustic alarm.
I’m sure there are other single cell measurers that have that, and will therefore take a look at the links you provided.

Your post is appreciated.

Best regards,

Lars - DK
Lars, you're lucky that you're buying in Europe if you want the Oxygauge for the accoustic alarm. In the US the limits are so low the darn things go off all the time. Annoying and defeting the purpose.
Well now, Since were on the subject. Has anyone had any problems with their Uwatec Oxy 2??? I got mine in Dec 2003. There seems to be a Calibration Glitch. This will be the second Mother Board on my unit .
Problem: About every 5th dive the unit will not calibrate without completely shuting the computer down and waiting for about an hour ( reboot )

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