Oxygen Window Revisited

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Thing is that deep stops were 'invented' by Pyle just because he was trying to decompress fish swim bladders. He didn't have any physiological explanation at all, he just found it treated him better to do that, and he stumbled across it entirely by accident.

Actually, in the explanation he gave on ScubaBoard a couple of years ago, he did not claim originality, and he pointed to others who had theorized this before. But you are right in how he came upon it himself, and you are right in that we are all experimenting to some degree.

I would advise not accepting anything on *faith*, but you should try shaping the curve and not shaping the curve and see what you think...

And at some point perfect assurances of scientific safety end, and we're all just lab rats in one big experimental maze...

To be honest, I prefer to have someone else doing such experimentation with a greater number of test subjects than 1, and if I do this experimentation I would like it to be done in a controlled environment and a chamber nearby. I would prefer not to have my experiment result in a bad case of DCS while I am on a New Mexico prairie hundreds of miles from the nearest chamber. I'm funny that way.
To be honest, I prefer to have someone else doing such experimentation with a greater number of test subjects than 1, and if I do this experimentation I would like it to be done in a controlled environment and a chamber nearby. I would prefer not to have my experiment result in a bad case of DCS while I am on a New Mexico prairie hundreds of miles from the nearest chamber. I'm funny that way.

First, I'm an infant with regard to my knowledge of decompression physiology. But, as an engineer I have participated in the design of scientific tests.

To be a valid scientific experiment or test one must follow a scientific method or process. These tests need to be repeatable, measurable,empirical, with collection of data designed to test a specific hypotheses.

To that end, I don't see how a group of DIR, UTD, or whomever divers, diving under faith or "trust me" procedures, would produce repeatable, measurable data to support an unspecific outcome. I'm not saying such a test couldn't be engineered, but just letting divers interpret "faith" or "religion" as they find fit, and then call the results of that practice scientific, is absurd.

I'm fine with someone telling me they don't know the science or physics behind it, but it seems to work. But don't try to tell me based on some BS that it is the only way that works.

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