owning multiple computers

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As for selling it for a Zoop, the only reason for that is to make both computers the same. And non-Novo Zoops are so cheap it probably wouldn't cost anything extra to make the change.

I totally agree with you that if a new diver is carrying two computers, he should carry duplicates. The endless threads about "matching" and fiddling around with factors are the reason why. It's hard enough for a new diver to even understand what a computer does let along follow two different ones with different displays and figure out when to ascend. You may remember that the OP mentioned that he wasn't sure if his computer tracked inert gas loading....

So I agree - not a bad idea...! He just needs to make sure that he carries both with him on every dive (although the backup could be just clipped off somewhere to save wrist real estate).
thanks for the replies,

@doctormike i should really know that it tracks inert gas loading not sure why i thought it wouldn't. if nothing else this thread has made me realize i need to go back and re read my manual (i read it thoroughly when i got it but admittedly i haven't really looked at it since)

at the minute i am a vacation diver and all my holidays are dive oriented and i aim to get away 3-4 times a year. before this wasn't really possible hence why i only have 45 dives under my belt but i have been steadily increasing the amount of dives i do each year. i am also looking at joining a local dive club to dive here which will put my dives up considerably.

i know zoops are notoriously more conservative than other computers but i also know that's not a bad thing. i know constantly comparing them on every recreational dive is redundant, could cause confusion and as was mentioned id need to learn how to use 2 different tech trees. but if they are similar enough on a couple of varied dives with regular comparison then i don't see why after comparing them, clipping one onto a spare d ring or having it somewhere on me is an issue. it would be there should i need it and id know it was fairly consistent with the other. but how likely is it that i would ever need it?

i also know couple of divers who come with me on occasion who don't own a dive computer nor dive enough to want to buy one, having a spare means i could lend it to them if they come.

i am not against selling it but as i have no urgent need of the money i was just wondering if the pros of keeping it outweighed the cons.
thanks for the replies,

@doctormike i should really know that it tracks inert gas loading not sure why i thought it wouldn't. if nothing else this thread has made me realize i need to go back and re read my manual (i read it thoroughly when i got it but admittedly i haven't really looked at it since)

Right, and I hope that you didn't take that comment the wrong way. We all started somewhere - my point was that for you to make that comment suggested that you are early on in your understanding of N2 loading and the role of dive computers, so asking you to carry two different computers isn't such a great idea.

at the minute i am a vacation diver and all my holidays are dive oriented and i aim to get away 3-4 times a year. before this wasn't really possible hence why i only have 45 dives under my belt but i have been steadily increasing the amount of dives i do each year. i am also looking at joining a local dive club to dive here which will put my dives up considerably.

Awesome! Best thing that you can do to develop your diving skills...

i know zoops are notoriously more conservative than other computers but i also know that's not a bad thing. i know constantly comparing them on every recreational dive is redundant, could cause confusion and as was mentioned id need to learn how to use 2 different tech trees. but if they are similar enough on a couple of varied dives with regular comparison then i don't see why after comparing them, clipping one onto a spare d ring or having it somewhere on me is an issue. it would be there should i need it and id know it was fairly consistent with the other. but how likely is it that i would ever need it?

The reason is that different algorithms respond differently to different dive profiles. Just because when you hit the bottom they both show 40 minutes of NDL, it doesn't mean that they will track each other during the dive. Again, having two different computers seems unnecessarily complicated at this point. If you are always going to ascend based on the recommendation of the more conservative computer/algorithm, then your backup should be the same. As I said, start carrying a backup computer if you want to eliminate the remote possibility of missing a dive due to computer failure. Don't carry it just because you have it.

i also know couple of divers who come with me on occasion who don't own a dive computer nor dive enough to want to buy one, having a spare means i could lend it to them if they come.

That's true, but make sure that you only do that with a computer that you haven't been diving. You can't give them your backup after you have taken it for a dive that day...
Right, and I hope that you didn't take that comment the wrong way. We all started somewhere - my point was that for you to make that comment suggested that you are early on in your understanding of N2 loading and the role of dive computers, so asking you to carry two different computers isn't such a great idea.

not at all, i know i have a lot to learn, that's why i come to this forum

Awesome! Best thing that you can do to develop your diving skills...

thats the plan :wink:

The reason is that different algorithms respond differently to different dive profiles. Just because when you hit the bottom they both show 40 minutes of NDL, it doesn't mean that they will track each other during the dive. Again, having two different computers seems unnecessarily complicated at this point. If you are always going to ascend based on the recommendation of the more conservative computer/algorithm, then your backup should be the same. As I said, start carrying a backup computer if you want to eliminate the remote possibility of missing a dive due to computer failure. Don't carry it just because you have it.

fair point, seems unless i have another computer running and RGBM algorithm then it wont really work or be safe.

That's true, but make sure that you only do that with a computer that you haven't been diving. You can't give them your backup after you have taken it for a dive that day...

yeah if i did lend it too him i wouldn't dive with it. id show him how to use it and then give it to him before we did any dives
I'm a two computer diver. I became a two computer diver because I've had a computer crap out on me during a trip more than once. I've had another one flood (don't ask).

My computers match.

As an aside, I'll never own a Suunto.
I had not planned to buy a Suunto. Had at that time my only computer die during a reef dive in the Keys. Had some deep dives coming up. Ran to the dive shop with store about to close and bought something inexpensive that had the features I needed. Read the manual that night. Next day did a double dip on the Spiegel followed by a drift dive and a reef dive. DM put me into Suunto deco on dip 2. Got to spend 15 minutes in a ripping current at 15 ft.
I'm a two computer diver. I became a two computer diver because I've had a computer crap out on me during a trip more than once. I've had another one flood (don't ask).

My computers match.

As an aside, I'll never own a Suunto.

as a solo diver i can see it being a bit more of a piece of mind/safety thing for you. do you dive them deep or withing recreational limits?

can i ask what computers you have?

from that comment i am guessing its a suunto that flooded on you? i love mine, easy to use and does all i need it to. but admittedly i didn't know anything about computers and bought it on the recommendation of my local dive shop, plus it came with a free compass which i needed for AOW so that swayed me somewhat
I'm not normally a solo diver so that doesn't factor into my reasoning.

I've never owned a Suunto.

I dive Oceanic and have happily stayed with that choice for number of years, after first having a couple of different brands.
My primary is a Geo 2.0. I got the BUD for a backup. Clip it and forget it. Both Oceanics and they match without me having to do anything.
hi all i just bought some regs and an SPG in a package that also came with a free aqualung i300 computer. now i already have a suunto zoop which i love but the dilemma now is do i have 2 or sell 1.

is there a need for 2 computers? i know some people on here dive with 2 or own many but my understanding is that it is mainly tech divers who are diving below recreational limits (i may go to tech in the future but right now i am focused on getting my deep diver certification and anything beyond that i am uncertain at the moment.

i have a friend who wants to buy a computer and offered to buy my zoop but my dilema is do i:

1. sell the zoop to him, its 18 months old and only logged about 40 dives.

2. sell him the i300 and stick with the zoop as i know how it works

3. keep both and have 1 as spare or wear 2 to compare.

money wise i don't need to sell one but it also seems pointless holding onto something that costs over £150 if i won't be using it. but i also i don't want to sell it and find out i should have kept it

what are your thoughts

Any of the above. Having two different ones doesn't matter. If you happen to bend one then dive the other. You probably will not bend one any more than diving with a mate using a different computer. It is a bit of a waste though, so selling it is not a bad plan. If you want to do the kind of diving that really needs two computers then one of them probably wants to do more than one gas.

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