Owner of dive charter Goby charged with several counts of poaching

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Hello My Name is Adam James. This Article is about me. If you have questions about an article, please don't sit behind a desk and talk crap but call me at 818-651-4066. This article is complelty false and that is one of the reasons it got expunged and dismissed a couples week and they were dropped as well.

Growing up I was a Eagle Scout. After Boy Scouts I was a sea scout, and then I joined the Coast Guard and Served my country. Last year I helped out DFG three times, catching poachers twice. I want to respectfully make this clear, I am not a poacher. I researched for months on the corrects licensing to obtain in order to commercial fish. Head Quarters, The Warden, and the Lady at the desk all gave me the wrong information. So i kept researching. I spent over 3000 grand in licensing. A big issue here is that event the DFG employees did not know what exact licensing to get.

I was not hiding a thing from them and i was on the phone with them on a constant basis. I invited 2 wardens over to the house for lunch for to get even more information. Once i realized how difficult this was to get any perfect information i stopped fishing.

Its not fair that you call me a poacher based on a small internet article. I have left my phone number up so you can call me and not sit and complain behind a desk. I am not a poacher and being raised as a Boy Scout, my mind is always on conservation.

Your statements were one sided based on the author of the article. How can you discriminate my life when all i have every done was try to protect the environment. Again these issues were dismissed and expunged.

I truly hope you as Divers can forgive for the mistakes i have made. I should of done better research and Im sorry.

That's not exactly the truth. Here's the latest from DFG;


[h=1]Southern California Man Ordered To Pay $10,000 for Commercial Fishing Violations[/h]JULY 22, 2014

Media Contacts:
Capt. Rebecca Hartman, CDFW Law Enforcement, (310) 678-4864
Janice Mackey, CDFW Communications, (916) 322-8908

A Southern California man was given a stiff fine this week for a series of commercial fishing violations in Los Angeles County.
Adam Crawford James, 32, of Winnetka was sentenced to three years probation and revocation of all California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) licenses for the duration of his sentence. In addition, he was ordered to pay $7,000 to the Fish and Game Preservation Fund and an additional $3,000 to the city of Santa Monica in fines and penalty assessments.
James pleaded no contest to four Fish and Game Code misdemeanor counts, including the illegal take of fish and invertebrates, the take of sea urchin without a permit, failure to obtain a receiver’s license, selling fish to person not licensed as a fish receiver and failure to pay landing taxes.
In 2013, CDFW wildlife officers received information from the CalTIP hotline that James was attempting to sell commercially caught fish to restaurants without a receiver’s license. In California, commercial fishermen are permitted to sell their catch directly to restaurants provided they have a receiver’s license.
CalTIP (Californians Turn In Poachers and Polluters) is a confidential witness program that encourages the public to provide CDFW with factual information leading to the arrest of poachers and polluters. The toll free telephone number, (888) 334-2258 operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Callers may remain anonymous.

---------- Post added July 28th, 2014 at 10:24 AM ----------

I love that the guilty always proclaim their innocence the loudest. From an article about The Lobster restaurant on the Santa Monica Pier;
"Can you tell me about the local divers you use for local seafood? We have two divers – Adam James and Stephanie Mutz. Adam spears Ling Cod, Sheephead, Rockfish, and Seabass, which we turn into a nightly special served with vegetables from our local farmers."
Learning About Lobster With Executive Chef Collin Crannell | Santa Monica Mirror

Selling speared fish is illegal in California.
Can You Sell Fish Caught for Sport?
I invited 2 wardens over to the house for lunch for to get even more information. ... I truly hope you as Divers can forgive for the mistakes i have made...

I was not aware inviting Wardens over to one's house was part of the appropriate application process. Ever.

Stridently denying the charges... and then apologizing for one's mistakes is telling.

I know Adam and taken his boat on several occasions to legally hunt. On all the trips we went he was persistent in measuring our catch and making sure that we record it properly. On two occasions last year we were stopped by DFG and everything was in order.

The way I understand it is that having sloppy paperwork with DFG can easily turn out as ugly as this situation. So give the guy a break and look at the facts before crucifying him. If the violations were as serious as a lot here like to think, the fines and penalties would have been heavier. Afterall just a short bug is a $1500 fine (per lobster). A 10,000 fine does not sound like something more that a few violations in reference to commercial fishing. Poacher is the dude that picked up 200 some bugs a couple of years back in PV and picked up by DFG on his way to sell them. This scenario here comparatively speaking does not sound more than a traffic violation. Do not try to sensationalize a minor case to support anti-hunting agendas.

BTW, to the guy that is owed the trip... I have had similar experiences with Adam as well like cancelling last minute at times but who does not have personal issues. If he is a flake, that is not criminal. Did you ever try to get on his boat on a follow up trip and he denied you the chance? We went on several trips with him past the opening day and his boat was always open to anyone to join...

I also recommend Kayaa (Shelky charters) but she is in Long Beach so quite a drive away from the Marina where Adam operated.

---------- Post added July 31st, 2014 at 08:03 PM ----------

BTW...look at this article to get an idea of what kind of fines are involved in poaching:

Lobster poaching hits island
I should probably stay away from these forums, BUT

Lobster poaching is a huge problem now. I've been blasphemed fairly regularly for speaking out on this subject but to me, the major offenders are the "hoop netters". I have watched for years as they have decimated the lobster population in shore. They are now starting to work their way offshore. How long before they take out the entire population?

As for fines? I seem to recall Mel (AKA LABUGMAN) getting fined $500.00 for diving prior to opening and returning to the surface with something around 17, including one short. So much for the advertised "fines". How does any of that help? I personally, have not kept a lobster over 10lbs in over 15 years. I just don't advertise, I don't need to. If we want to maintain these resources, we need to 1) KNOW THE LAW, 2)STAY WITHING THE CONFINES OF THE PERMITS AND RULES, 3)WATCH AND REPORT POACHING, ESPECIALLY FLAGRANT ISSUES AND THOSE CONCERNING THE LOBSTER AND ABALONE POPULATION RIGHT NOW.

Sorry, rant over

The way I understand it is that having sloppy paperwork with DFG can easily turn out as ugly as this situation. So give the guy a break and look at the facts before crucifying him. If the violations were as serious as a lot here like to think, the fines and penalties would have been heavier. Afterall just a short bug is a $1500 fine (per lobster). A 10,000 fine does not sound like something more that a few violations in reference to commercial fishing. Poacher is the dude that picked up 200 some bugs a couple of years back in PV and picked up by DFG on his way to sell them. This scenario here comparatively speaking does not sound more than a traffic violation. Do not try to sensationalize a minor case to support anti-hunting agendas.
Please don't try to minimize these infractions as a clerical error. There are a lot of honest, hard working commercial fishermen in California who carry the proper permits and follow regulations. Most of them probably got their permits without having to invite wardens to lunch. It's a hard enough job without being undercut by restaurant owners who are willing to buy from unlicensed fishermen. Poachers not only steal from the commercial guys but from every Californian.
In the end, all we have is our honor and character. Spearing fish and taking urchins without permits is poaching no matter how small a crime some want to believe it is. To then claim it was all a conspiracy by DFG and that the charges are complete false is not only misleading, but again shows the character of Mr. James. He even has a YouTube video in which he is doing donuts in a no-wake zone from his boat. I guess he feels that rules and regulations do not apply to him.
I should probably stay away from these forums, BUT

Lobster poaching is a huge problem now. I've been blasphemed fairly regularly for speaking out on this subject but to me, the major offenders are the "hoop netters". I have watched for years as they have decimated the lobster population in shore. They are now starting to work their way offshore. How long before they take out the entire population?

As for fines? I seem to recall Mel (AKA LABUGMAN) getting fined $500.00 for diving prior to opening and returning to the surface with something around 17, including one short. So much for the advertised "fines". How does any of that help? I personally, have not kept a lobster over 10lbs in over 15 years. I just don't advertise, I don't need to. If we want to maintain these resources, we need to 1) KNOW THE LAW, 2)STAY WITHING THE CONFINES OF THE PERMITS AND RULES, 3)WATCH AND REPORT POACHING, ESPECIALLY FLAGRANT ISSUES AND THOSE CONCERNING THE LOBSTER AND ABALONE POPULATION RIGHT NOW.

Sorry, rant over


I hoop net while buddies dive - I ALWAYS get less than they do... Actually I usually don't get more than 1 or 2 with 5 hoops over a multi-day (3) trip. However I do see ALOT of commercial lobstering when I cross throughout the season.
Please don't try to minimize these infractions as a clerical error. There are a lot of honest, hard working commercial fishermen in California who carry the proper permits and follow regulations. Most of them probably got their permits without having to invite wardens to lunch. It's a hard enough job without being undercut by restaurant owners who are willing to buy from unlicensed fishermen. Poachers not only steal from the commercial guys but from every Californian.
In the end, all we have is our honor and character. Spearing fish and taking urchins without permits is poaching no matter how small a crime some want to believe it is. To then claim it was all a conspiracy by DFG and that the charges are complete false is not only misleading, but again shows the character of Mr. James. He even has a YouTube video in which he is doing donuts in a no-wake zone from his boat. I guess he feels that rules and regulations do not apply to him.

I agree with you 100% in following the rules but I think the DFG made this sound like a major poaching bust when it was indeed "small potatoes"... They can do better if they hang out at Pt. Dume over the weekend and pick up the numerous fishermen with poles next to the "no fishing signs" and warnings that it is an MPA. Oh and they fish next to lifeguards that warn them about it. Like all other government agencies they need to show that they are doing something when they are understaffed and underfunded and this was made to sound like a big victory when in fact the fine is not enough even to cover the monthly salary of a couple DFG agents. And of course everybody run to crucify the violator...

There is a difference between violations. To put it in different terms are drunk driving and failure to obey a posted sign the same? They do have different fines and consequences because they are different in nature. Oh and we all agree with traffic laws yet I do not know anyone that drives in CA and never got a ticket. Similarly DFG violations can be different...and in this case I think were overrated.

---------- Post added August 4th, 2014 at 01:02 PM ----------

and by the way! Here is a real poacher:

Malibu Resident Catches Tuna With Bare Hands - Malibu Times: People

Did she have a fishing license to catch this?
and by the way! Here is a real poacher:

Malibu Resident Catches Tuna With Bare Hands - Malibu Times: People

Did she have a fishing license to catch this?

Interesting question. Do you need a fishing license if you pick up a fish off the beach? At what point does it go from fishing to beach cleanup? You do need a fishing license for the grunion runs (last ones for 2014 are this month). You don't need a hunting license to pick up road kill, so ...

Point Dume is actually part State Marine Reserve (SMR) prohibiting all fishing and part State Marine Conservation Area (SMCA), with specific goals for conservation and activities are restricted to meet the conservation goals. The SMR is a no-take area. West of the pay booth at Westward Beach is SMCA and some take is allowed. From the guide at California MPA: Regions and MPAs: Point Dume SMCA the following is allowed in the SMCA. And yes, anyone on the rocks at Pt Dume with a fishing pole is violating the law, since that area is all SMR. If you see illegal fishing you should call 1-888-334-CalTIP (1 - 888 - 334 - 2258), although even calling 911 is supposed to work also

[h=2]Permitted/Prohibited Uses:[/h]
    • Recreational Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: Pelagic finfish including Pacific bonito and white seabass by spearfishing.
    • Prohibited Species: All other living marine resources EXCEPT those listed above.
  • Commercial Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: Coastal pelagic species by round haul net and swordfish by harpoon.
    • Prohibited Species: All other living marine resources EXCEPT those listed above.
  • Definitions:
    • Pelagic finfish are a subset of finfish defined as: northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), barracudas (Sphyraena spp.), billfishes* (family Istiophoridae), dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus), Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi), jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax), blue shark (Prionace glauca), salmon shark (Lamna ditropis), shortfin mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus), thresher sharks (Alopias spp.), swordfish (Xiphias gladius), tunas (family Scombridae), and yellowtail (Seriola lalandi). *Marlin is not allowed for commercial take.
    • Coastal pelagic species means any of the following: northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax), Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax), Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus), jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus), and market squid (Loligo opalescens).
Effective as of: January 1, 2012

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