Outrageous cost to service reg

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Reaction score
Miami, FL
# of dives
100 - 199
Hello all,

I have been meaning to write up a post on this since I had my regulator serviced earlier this year. I went to my LDS to get my Atomic Z2-Oceanic Alpha 8 serviced in preparation for this dive season. I was shocked when I was told what the amount due was: $232.19. I don't think I ever paid more than $160 with other dive shops; I was previously servicing my regulator with different shops in Fort Lauderdale for 4 years as this was where I was living up until last summer. I also have a backup set that I service on the off years that I don't service my primary set (the Z2 is serviced every 2 years).

I have attached my final invoice so you can see the service details.
  • Did I pay a reasonable amount given that I received the service from a shop in Miami, FL?
  • What is a reasonable price to pay for servicing a regulator?
It would be great to see how the prices compare in different geographic areas.

In short, if this is the amount that I will be charged for service, then I don't think I can justify paying this amount and will consider selling my two regulator sets and will be renting them instead.

Thank you for reading this post and I am looking forward to your replies.


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Did they require service or were you just getting done because industry sales reps have told you to do it? From the looks of it they serviced your computer in addition to your reg set which added time and parts to the invoice.

I'm a fan of getting it serviced when it needs it, not because it's been a year or two. I also get things worked on when I buy used gear with no verifiable history on it.

If you don't have free flow issues or it's hard to breathe then keep using it. Don't get them serviced right before a trip. Annually, or as required take them your console to get the battery changed and be done with it.
The old thumb wag was $25/stage + cost of kits (been diving over 30 years). Labor is much more now than it used to be, so $75 becomes $86 without too much thought. Service kits are the brutal "wild card".

I'd say the service cost was "reasonable", but was it necessary?
They're charging you less than MAP on the 1st stage kit, a little more than MAP on the Atomic 2nd stage - total is right at MAP it seems. (Their cost is about half that maybe less, not counting shipping, which is pretty standard for the industry. For the Atomics at least you're amoritizing it over 2-3 years...
Did they require service or were you just getting done because industry sales reps have told you to do it? From the looks of it they serviced your computer in addition to your reg set which added time and parts to the invoice.

I'm a fan of getting it serviced when it needs it, not because it's been a year or two. I also get things worked on when I buy used gear with no verifiable history on it.

If you don't have free flow issues or it's hard to breathe then keep using it. Don't get them serviced right before a trip. Annually, or as required take them your console to get the battery changed and be done with it.
I agree ... I only overhaul a reg when it needs it, regardless of manufacturer's recommended interval.

But if this reg needed it .... the price looks about right (Atomic parts aren't cheap but they are among the most expensive regs on the market, so they price parts accordingly).

Looks like they checked the computer but it didn't need servicing.
Labor cost is within the realm of the reasonable. Atomics service kit prices are completely unreasonable.

If you decide to sell, consider replacing with something with more reasonable costs. Deep6 charges $22.50 for a first stage kit and $15 for a second. And the first service is included in the purchase price for their Signature regs.

You can also explore servicing on condition instead of fixed intervals. Your opinion regarding regulator service intervals
Atomics service kit prices are completely unreasonable.

This is TOTALLY out of context, not even close. Atomic regulators have the LOWEST "Total Cost of Ownership" than any other name brand regulators I have ever used. Atomics go on for years and years without needing service yet perform like new. My rec. diving ST1 was serviced 5 years ago and I won't service it until end of this year. Nothing wrong with it but I believe in preventive maintenance. I do NOT wait until something goes wrong as others have suggested above, that is TOTALLY irresponsible.

I have other Atomic regulators that go for longer time between needing servicing since I use them less frequently. Compare that with other brands of regulators, they are the best value over their lifetime.
I'm a fan of getting it serviced when it needs it, not because it's been a year or two.

I only overhaul a reg when it needs it, regardless of manufacturer's recommended interval.

So you wait until an issues develops at the most inconvenient time to service it?? This is just way too much fish manure. Totally irresponsible. I'd rather service my regulators BEFORE they develop issues when I am on a dive vacation or in the middle of a short dive season. I don't want "issues" to occur when I am diving especially when I am underwater or on an expensive dive vacation.

You are indeed giving a most terrible advice.

P.S. I have NEVER had ANY issue with my Atomic regulators (or Scubapro) at an inopportune time, I mean NEVER. REASON, I service my regulators LONG before they develop issues. I have NEVER had regulator issues underwater. I do NOT believe in "service when issues develop. I have been diving for 51 years now and I have exceeded 6000 dives around the world. I am a very active diver. SO, cut the BS advice please.
A regulator will exhibit signs of needing service as well as simple checks will verify proper operating conditions...

You don't need to service it until it needs service ..

It is rarely catastrophic failure if you are paying attention...
This is TOTALLY out of context, not even close. Atomic regulators have the LOWEST "Total Cost of Ownership" than any other name brand regulators I have ever used. Atomics go on for years and years without needing service yet perform like new. My rec. diving ST1 was serviced 5 years ago and I won't service it until end of this year. Nothing wrong with it but I believe in preventive maintenance. I do NOT wait until something goes wrong as others have suggested above, that is TOTALLY irresponsible.

I have other Atomic regulators that go for longer time between needing servicing since I use them less frequently. Compare that with other brands of regulators, they are the best value over their lifetime.
Did you even read the rest of my post? It wasn't that long.
You can also explore servicing on condition instead of fixed intervals.
I still hold that Atomic is taking the piss with its service kit pricing. Really all the manufacturers are to some extent, but Atomic is the worst.

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