The more additional info you post about the incident, the more I'm sure you did a superb job keeping the situation from spiraling out of control.
It does sound like the OOA DM you rescued was just barely under control, and was just one step away from panic.
Getting him to the surface as quickly as was safely possible was 100% the right move. You defused a potentially deadly incident, and I think you have a lot to feel good about.
Again, well done
Best wishes.
The more additional info you post about the incident, the more I'm sure you did a superb job keeping the situation from spiraling out of control.
It does sound like the OOA DM you rescued was just barely under control, and was just one step away from panic.
Getting him to the surface as quickly as was safely possible was 100% the right move. You defused a potentially deadly incident, and I think you have a lot to feel good about.
Again, well done

Best wishes.