its the age old arguement of should or should not... All i know is that the philippines has 3 known whaleshark hotspots...
of the 3 i think the purists would like southern leyte the most... if a fisherman sees one he sms's the dive operator who then mounts up their guests to go see it... If he doesnt then a chance encounter on a dive is possible as well...
Donsol... Though controlled by the WWF and rules in place and enforced for years... many people argue that donsol's "way" leaves a large footprint... 30-60 boats all out WSIng... is alot of fuel burning... that plus the READY... DIVE DIVE DIVE system the boats use... could be a little harrowing for those not used to jumping in the water with a mask fins and snorkel...
Oslob... the most controversial of them all... and I think this is the case mostly because of NGO politics happening behind the scenes...

maybe one NGO believes it can do a better job than the present one in charge?! who knows...
What was never mentioned in any of the previous posts though... is that as recorded in phil history... the waters of oslob, bohol, around pamilacan balicasag and the surrounding areas... USED TO BE WHALESHARK KILLING FIELDS... (look it up!) Whalesharks were fished in a very primitive gruesome way till they dissappeared from these waters in the 80s and 90s... not just for their fins... but for their meat as well... a fish the size of a bus can feed everyone in a fishing village for weeks... so that part of it is a real concern...
So to do or not to do is your decision...
all i hear is that this is bad that is bad... everything is bad... why dont people try to come up with some sort of viable solution?!... something like... limiting feeding to certain months of the year if migration patterns is a concern... or a new way of feeding if proximity to boats is the concern... just something instead of all this useless arguments of facts everyone has heard before...
It frustrates me because I saw these whalesharks before the crowds... before the circus... and back then the fishermen begged us not to put it on the internet as these animals were like their companions out at sea and they knew of the circus that would follow...
I just wish someone would come up with viable solution acceptable to all stakeholders involved instead of publicizing snippets of different arguments to suit their own agendas... alot of them clamor for cease and desisting operations but they need to get real... truth of the matter is the whole municipality of oslob and the province of cebu have reaped the benefits of all this... And I dont see them just stopping for anything short of multiple dead whalesharks in oslob waters as proof of the negative effects of all this on the animals... im sure a Marine biology teams can come up with some sort of solution that would be an acceptable compromise for everyone and when they do... I pray the people in power will listen to them.
Personally my best whaleshark experience was at Ticao island with numerous whalesharks playing in the strong current... I highly suggest a trip there to see that for yourselves... It was totally unstaged and totally unexpected... thats the beauty of diving now isnt it?!... its not what your told youll see but what surprises you down there thats the diff between a good dive and an amazing one...