My grandson has been using a Oceanic Explorer Youth BCD for three years. He just turned 13. Unfortunately it appears they quit making that model. I did a quick check and there are some available new and used. It was pricey, but if he needs a new one next year they are easy to resell.
Agree. Bought a used Oceanic Explorer (eBay) for my granddaughter last year (was 10 yrs old) and it should work for several years. Should be able to resell it for close to what I paid. I watched for a few months before finding one, but it was worth it.
Her mom took the class at the same time. She is very small framed and we had significant difficulty finding women's small to rent for open water dives - even those were too big. I refitted my Oxychek 17# wing and soft pack for her and she loved it. Subsequently found a BCD at half the price of a BP/W that works, so she is set.