I am yet to perfect my ascent skills to the level of a tech diver (or do any tech course for that matter) but an idea just occurred to me which I think I will practice on my next dive vacation. Assume 3 sec for inhalation + 3 sec for exhalation with a 1 sec pause interval between each inhalation and exhalation. Then, one will be beginning the next inhalation at t+10 sec each time. So at every alternate inhalation breath, one should be at a -1mtr mark and not exceed it. Therefore on every 3rd inhalation one could glance at the computer to ensure no more than -3mtrs of ascent giving me two breath cycles to look around for situational awareness then enforce a one breath or 10 sec stop if one appears to be exceeding the ascent rate. Maybe switch from 40-80% lung breathing to 20-50% lung breathing depending on estimate of ascent, assuming one is correctly weighted.
Does that sound reasonable to you folks?
Does that sound reasonable to you folks?