TO: John_B & rjack321 & Steve R & Jay Roy (JR shows a few agencies only)........
Since your bio's like so many others does not show anything about your diving (except ole JR's ) maybe you could share that with this stage were not sure you have a clue about scuba diving....I may be wrong.
But you know there are a lot of internet divers & toilet bowl divers here on SB....'please' validate your background and maybe your input could be considered worth reading in the future. IMO
Well I guess it's time to break the silence isn't it?
Listen Alan, the only thing I've ever said to you was about 12 pages ago, and it was with respect to your perceived experience. I really didn't want the guy you were trashing to think you have as much as your rather vocal opinion would lead him to believe.
As it turns out I was darn accurate about you by your own admission, wasn't I. Imagine that huh?
Well, except that your Nitrox class a couple years ago was Padi not TDI. I guess what I said really struck a nerve. Usually that happens when the truth is revealed. (Oh hey, if it makes you feel better, I don't have an advanced mix card as you do, so notch one it your column).
I also do not have Extended range, solo diver and probably a whole lot more that you do have. I guess I am old-school in this regard. You have to earn it over time. Lots of time. I follow what I teach so I apply to myself what I expect of my students.
The only reason you were ever on my radar to begin with anyway, was over the past while you had been asking folks I know some rather basic questions, which is fine, we all started from the same place, but it tells some of us a lot about what you don't yet know.
What gave me cause for concern was that it seems in just two short years, and what, maybe a couple hundred dives over and above the less than 200 dives you've had since 1971? (Clearly you had a 30 year hiatus from diving didn't you), it seems to me you've come a long ways in the card collecting category, and unfortunately have the mouth that generally goes along with it.
The issue I have here is that it's not your fault, but again it is with agencies that see fit to card-up people before their actual experience has even had a chance to catch up.
Between yourself and your buddy, I have to tell you you've done a perfect job in just this one thread of proving to those of us that have been diving for longer than the four years of experience you two have between you, how effed up diver training, and more pointedly here tech diver training has become.
Do yourself and your pal a favour bud, stop digging the hole, and stop PMing me. I don't really care what you have to say, because I know what you've said and asked in the recent past. You two are looking like the fools you are, and you display it well.
I don't think you would talk like this to these same people at say TDS where the gloves are allowed to come off a little more. You two are better suited to the kiddie pool here in scubaboard, I agree.
If you guys are really hell bent on talking to me about anything, pick up the phone. I want to hear you say it. I am not a sock puppet, and my full name, addy and phone number are easily had, and I can assure you that if you call SDI/TDI, they know who I am, so there's always that approach as well. I have no issues standing on my own two feet and backing it up.
I don't know guys, it's always the same pattern that I think we've all followed. You get a handful of 'big' training dives, a half dozen post training forays, get a couple years in, feeling big because dive # 100, 200, 300 just rolled over.....wham......internet expert.......