Opinions on Bare XCD2 drysuit

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Cape Coral, Florida
Hi all,

I've been looking at drysuits, and was set on a DUI FLX50/50, but have since found out about Bare's XCD2, a compressed neoprene suit very similar to the DUI CF200 (I think), that comes with all the goodies like front self entry, kevlar kneepads and pockets standard, for a *lot* less than a DUI suit. Does anyone on this board own one or seen one? I'll be in Monterey this weekend and will try to find one to check out in person, but would be interested in hearing any opinions from owners or people who have tried this suit.

Also, opinions on the Bare trilam ATR HD. Thanks!

I was looking at the DUI CNSE, when I came across the Bare. Now, I'm considering them both. Is the Bare much cheaper than the $900+ CNSE?
If you buy it in the US, no. If you buy it in Canada where they are made, yes. I'm just happening to be travelling to Canada in a few months, so I'll be able to buy it there. I've seen prices between $800 US all the way up to $1600 US. I think it's a lot more suit than the CNSE, but I still want to hear some opinions from people who have used it before I buy.
I have about 45 dives in my Bare trilam ATR HD and I quite like it. a really solid suit, easy to pack around and I don't get too cold (doing 1 hour dives in the winter in Canada).

my only complaint is that the knee pads aren't that tough, but the suit is. also I think I bought mine a size too big.

here is an Ontario store with decent prices on Bare suits:

but I got mine for a steal at $800 CDN.

I too am interested in opinions of the XCD2, as I am considering going to a smaller sized suit.

cheers, Angus.
hey amackay,

Where did you get the ATR HD for $800 CA? I knew about the diveaqua website, but they're asking $1200 CA for the ATR HD, which I'm now looking at instead of a XCD2 (makes more sense for travel). Plus I checked out a DUI CF200 suit over the weekend which has similar material to the XCD2, and they're very heavy, I want something lighter that I can travel easily with and dry quickly.

What size is your suit?
XCD2 is popular with instructors....Me, I like back entry, so CD4.

try http://www.oceansports.ca for a deal on Bare suits. They are a volume dealer, and may be able to work a deal.
Originally posted by bengiddins
I knew about the diveaqua website

Diveaqua looks sweetly priced til you talk to them. Then they tell you about the tax you have to pay (forgot exactly what percent but big, at least 7) and the $50 shipping they charge.

Try these folks: http://www.diverswholesale.com/catalogue/usa/index.html

My XCD2 is on order. Ended up cheaper to buy from them than the Canadian outfit. Bare won't sell direct although they hope to in the future.


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