Diver_Jan:We don't do Nitrox and/or Rebreathers on 'our' boats. Why? Primarily, the DM's would have to be in the 'know' regarding this kind of equipment. For me as a DM for *Recreational Diving* I have no desire to do Tech or Rebreathers. Let those divers go on a Tech boat.
I have no problem with most of what you say and by-in-large I think Reef Seekers does a good job running boats the way they want to run them. For myself, I find the "rules" too restrictive so I avoid Reef Seekers Charters, as I suspect many others do. But in the free market place economy that is the choice we have.
However I take issue with the comments above..
1) If a certified Nitrox diver wants to dive a 32% mix that he is clearly certified to do, what does the DM need to be "in the know" about? The problem I have with Ken in this regard is that he never answers the question and turns it into a tech & RB issue. I have no problem if Ken wants to preclude decompression diving and/or rebreather diving from his charters, it's his charter he can do as he wants, but when he, or anyone from Reef Seekers, attempts to lump Nitrox into that mix it's disingenuous. FTR, what the DM needs to know is that the rescue protocols are the same for a Nitrox diver as they are for an air diver.
2) It seems to me a much ado about nothing; a red herring and not a very credible concern but if Ken is so worried about it, John Lumb I'm sure would gladly Nitrox certify the DM core, these days it can be done over the internet so it's hardly rocket science.
3) Moreover, most every recreational agency steadfastly advocates the training and use of Nitrox, whereas most every recreational agency, save for SDI, strongly is against solo diving so what I have never been able to get Ken to answer is how does he explain away that stark inconsistency? No credible agency allows solo diving but yet Reef Seekers has no problem with it. Every agency allows Nitrox but Ken precludes it. That is an unexplainable problem I can't seem to get an adequate answer too despite repeated attempts. It simply doesn't make any sense whatsoever..
4) Lastly, I would urge you to consider locally the amount of "nitrox" divers that have died as a result of using Nitrox versus the vast amount of solo fatalities that we've had. The numbers aren't even close, the solo divers by far and away out number fatalities caused by Nitrox.. From recollection I don't recall any Nitrox caused fatalities but we have any number of lists of divers that died while diving solo..