Open Letter to jetblast00 was "Since the Seeker has been..."

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jetblast00 once bubbled...
You are quite right to be upset, you felt attacked. I wasn't attacking, I was explaining facts as I see them.

You ARE a DIR-evangelist, but *I* believe that you are using it only as a means to create publicty for/about yourself and your hydronotics club.
* Hydronautics is not a club! Read the intro.

You want the attention. This is the same reason you occasionaly post regurgitations of GUE publications over on Techdiver.
* Again, not exactly true. If my posts are being crossposted, that is not my thing (unless you are talking about the "health-joke".)

Every time you see below mentioned dive shop owner, you explain to him that you personaly want to make things right between him and GUE. YOU want to be known as having made it right. More publicity.
* BS, he asks me to settle it for him!

BTW, I heard that none of you passed Tech1 last week, and that some of you didn't even make it out of the quarry and into the ocean in the class.
* Actually, again not true. We had only one person failing. Bill, Trace and I didn't finish the class and we were in the ocean. We are FINISHING the Tech1 class in Seattle and Bill and I receive the Triox certification already. The ones that didn't make it out on the boat were people who had to drop out because of death in the family and a new job.

As for knowing you socially: No, we're not best buds, but I would say hello to you if I saw you around, that's what I consider "social". How would you know who I am, I never put my name on this board, and won't.
* I am a very amicable person, however, I don't know who you are. But since nobody in the first group of the DIRF class would have made such statements about me, since they know better, it could have been only in the second group.

Whole internet voodoo thing... Ask said shop owner who I am... If I see you, I'll tell you.
* I did! He had no idea who posts under jetblast00.

I very well may be wrong about you, but this really is the way you come accross to people who meet you: a quest for personal glory.
* I get my my personal glory out of achievements in my personal and professional life, not from the internet. Maybe you will get to know me one time.

As for your GUE trained founding hydronautic dive members: Well I was with one last weekend when the Jeanne-II went out for an easy 90' dive. (you know, the morning you didn't show up on the boat... too bad, we could have discussed this in person.)
* I was sorry not to be there, got sick a couple of days earlier, unfortunately.

Well, even if anyone who had been listening to him all day hadn't rolled thier eyes at least twice from the things he was saying, then they would have seen his skill level when he simply tried to get back on the boat.
*I believe you and he was the guy who washed out on the second day of Tech 1 and he is NOT a founding member. The founding members are listed on our website.

First thing he did when he surfaced was put his mask on backwards. Then he got to the ladder and tried to take his fins off. Well, I guess he had to let go of the ladder in order to put his reg back in his mouth because he was doing barrell rolls with his head below water most of the time on the surface trying to get those damn spring straps around his heel. Mask still on backwards. By the time he did get them off, he had drifted a good 10-15 ft away from the ladder, with no fins on...
* Sounds just like him...

But man, he sure did look cool when he finaly made it back to the ladder and got back onto the boat with his mask on backwards... btw, what did he need a deco bottle for on a 90' dive?
* You know more about that than I do, I wasn't there and I can't pass judgement on the content of the decobottle. How long did he dive? What was the mix in his doubles? Air, NOAA I or II, what was his deco obligation? What is the big deal about the mask? I can understand that people rolled their eyes if he let some tall-tales passing his lips. But I can tell you one thing... he may lack skill at this time... but he has his heart on the right place and he is trying very hart to improve himself.

Have you ever drove out to the Seeker to talk to Capt. Dan about this? You obviously feel strongly enough about his position to warrant a face to face conversation. Maybe I've taken you out of context, maybe you've taken him out of context.
* Yes, you have taken it out of context, but you didn't know the background and the whole survey wasn't posted in full. So, don't worry about it. I don't have a personal problem with Dan, I don't know him, I never dove of his boat and all I did was inquiring from various dive boats if they accept GUE certifications.

I have no reason or place to defend/explain Dan Crowell, so I won't. But, the Seeker is one of my favorite boats to dive off of, and my quick conversations with Dan Crowell have found him to be a very different person than the one whom your email paints a picture of.
* I don't have a problem with this... however, not my email painted the picture... it was his own email and statements.

Dutch Springs is a great place to try new gear out. I've been there a couple of times this season with new gear. I was even there this past Sunday just putting in time with scooters. Difference is that I was putting in some time with a scooter because I plan to do a scooter dive this coming monday on The Algol.
* If I am not moving this weekend into our new apartment, then I maybe meeting you on Monday.

From what I've heard (yes, from said dive shop owner, but others as well) is that you guys train in Dutch Springs so that you can go back to Dutch Springs...
* I am not certain what that means. For training and just fun, DS is perfect for us, because we have some people coming from PA and NJ and DS lies almost in the middle for all of us.

I have one question that I would like answered in a list form. What, besides this 15' look for arrow heads puddle project, have you or your club done? Not what you plan to do or hope to do, what have you DONE? You want to toot your horn, here's your chance.
* Read my intro on top, and again, Hydronautics is not a club, dive club or else.

This is the last time I will comment to this or... (snip)
* Ditto, don't worry, you'll meet me and then we can talk. You also can email me at

Phew! Edited for readability [Spectre]
Hey Spectre;

Thank you so much for editing. I am too new to find out all the nitty-gritty about formatting.

I was hoping it came out that way.... thanks a lot.

Oh, and to all the other ones besides my special friend and critic, thanks for the welcome notes.

I will try to stick around more often and participate.

Take care

SeaHunt once bubbled...
I vote for a pissing match!

Naaaaa, thanks but no thanks.

I am really not a person who likes to constantly fight... that is in my opinion very destructive. I prefer it quiet... no big fuss and I have already enough of unwanted publicity from jetblast.

Anyway, old quote: Fighting for war is like ****ing for virginity...



P.S.: Checked your profile: A Million USD is NOT enough to retire, depends on your lifestyle tho... :)
You're right Pug, it takes two to tango and looks like only one wants to dance.
Uncle Pug once bubbled...

... the other one wears a p-valve... ;)

drysuit hygiene products. You know you use em!

Personally i prefer the "oops i crapped my pants" brand over depends anyday. More absorbativity.

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