Can you provide a little more information?
- What size tank were you using
Steel hp 100
- Was 41 minutes your total dive time, or was it the time you started your ascent?
46 min total dive time
- Did you start your ascent from 71 feet?
Ascent from 45-55 feet. Most of the dive between 45 & 60 feet
- Do you know how long your ascent was?
Estimate 1 and a half minutes
At 700 PSI, you had roughly 20 cubic feet of gas.
Let's assume you had a SAC rate of 0.66 on your safety stop. You would have gone through 2 cubic feet in the two minutes you were doing the stop.
Let's assume you took a full minute of elevated effort and breathing to reach your buddy ahead of you, get his attention, and start the ascent, and let's say that was at 50 feet. We'll give you a SAC of 1.0 for that effort. That's another 2.5 cubic feet.
Your gauge may have read 0, but you probably had at least a cubic foot or two left in it.
Put all of that together, and rounding up on the estimates, that means you used at least 13 cubic feet on a 1.5 minute, 40 foot ascent to the safety stop. Your average depth on ascent was almost exactly 2 ATA, so for that to be done through breathing alone, you would have had to have a SAC rate greater than 4.0 during that ascent, and that is pretty much unheard of. Assuming your tank was full at the start of the dive, your SAC rate was well below 1.0 for most of the dive, and it should have been even less during a leisurely ascent.
That is why I am suggesting that something is not right.