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San Diego
I was looking into buying a regulator off and was wondering how it will work when it comes time for me to get it serviced. Should I expect to be hassled by my LDS? The model is the Aeris Atmos Sport if it makes any difference.
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That will really depend on the LDS. I've had customers call me that on a brand new tank, with a 1 month old hydro, and a new visual, the shop charged them 16 for a VIP because the tank did not have pressure in it. Just a straight rip off...

So will your LDS try to punish you for buying from another authorized dealer and not them... no telling.

But we also do service on regs purchased from us for $39.95 and parts are free for life, so there is always the option of shipping to us.
I bought my regs (and most of my other gear) from Larry at ScubaToys, and it was much cheaper to send them back to him for services than having my LDS do it. My LDS charges $59.00 for annual service, so even with shipping and insurance, sending it was the way to go. Actually, ScubaToys got my regs back to me faster than the LDS got my husband's regs back to him, so time wasn't a factor either.
Larry, every shop that I know of around here has a standing policy. If the tank has no pressure, it gets VIP'd. If I consider buying a tank that will be shipped here I factor that in to my total costs.

My LDS charges $10, icluding an air fill. If I want nitrox, they credit me the value of the air fill for the nitrox, so a VIP & 32% EAN fill will run me about $13 or $14.

On AL tanks, they sell them cheap enough ($135 with valve, boot & air fill for a Luxfer 80) that it makes no sense to order them. On some steel tanks they are also competetive. On others they are not, right now. If I wanted an E7-80, for example, I can save enough by ordering from you -assuming you actually have them at the price on your web site- to make the extra VIP charge trivial. But the E7-100 they have for your price.

I wish I had the bucks right now, I'd snatch up at least 2 of the E7-80's from you. I'd really like 4 of them :wink:

Sadly that must wait a while...

Depends on the LDS. There are a few where I live that don't want to service ANY reg not bought at their shop regardless of brand. There are also a few other shops that will fix anything you bring to them, as long as they have the skills. Just make sure there are retailers that service Aeris regs in your area, and then you can find a decent LDS that will take care of you.
Like other said, it is depending on your LDS and location. In my case, it is much cheaper to get the service from Larry than from local LDS because of a travel cost. You know, the shipping/delivery system isn't bad in U.S. And, you just need one annual service per year for the regulator.....:)
I have a pretty good relationship wtih my diveshop. I've bought almost all of my gear through them. I use their shop to service my own regs. I don't pay anything since the parts are under warranty and I perform the labor. I wouldn't cry if the owner wanted some $$$ equivalent to the profit he would have made if an employee did the service. The shop tech is very competant and I would send my mother's gear there, but for me, I get the piece of mind knowing what condition my regs are in.

However, it would be a different story altogether if I went in there for information, asked a bunch of questions about gear, took up a few hours of time, and then turned around and ordered the same gear online. The dive shop owner jokes that the price for servicing regs bought off the internet is the difference between his price and the internet price.
Maybe everyone who deals with online retailers could give a brief account of their experience with that retailer and we could come up with a list of who's reputable and who to avoid. I know I'm new to the board and this may have been addressed previously as well as the fact that there seem to be retailers with established reputations and presence here on the boards, eg:scubatoys. I've just purchased a Suunto Cobra from and dealt with the owner, Rick, who was extremely helpful and knowledgable. The price was right and it came with a few goodies that no one else included. I'll give a followup as soon as I receive it to let you know how the whole experience turned out. Also I'd like to add my two cents worth regarding ebay purchases: used, well cared for dive gear needs to find a good home somehow and ebay presents a good forum for it. I've made several dive gear purchases and sold dive gear too there and never had a problem. Now, I just deal with fellow divers, not some slimy pawn shop owner who came across some primo gear, but is clueless as to it's true condition. Do some research and ask a lot of questions about what you are purchasing. Check the feedback and make sure they talk the talk before you buy. Don't get all starry eyed over some primo piece of gear at an impossibly low price from some guy with low or poor feedback who says "I don't really know much about this gear, but I'm selling it for a friend". I've found that fellow divers are willing to volunteer all kinds of info and history on the gear they are selling and are loathe to sell something they feel is inferior unless it is sold as-is or for parts. And all divers will tell you to have gear checked out prior to use just to make sure. My LDS has no qualms about servicing any used gear I bring there. How do they know I haven't owned it for years? I make enough purchases and go on enough dive trips as well as ongoing certs through him to keep him happy. Just my .02.
Well I got the regulator and other goods on time and they service them for 39.95 parts included. I'll probably just be sending both my regs to scubatoys to get serviced. I've been very impressed with how everything has worked out so far.

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