I bought the 3000 J 7/5 mm one piece hooded suit on the notion I might enjoy local diving more here in MN. I've rented 7mm before this year, & froze everytime it got below 55 degrees (I have 7% body fat). This suit is no less than amazing - I dove down to 39 degrees several times this summer, & my last dive, Lake Superior (44 degrees for 30 min. @ 60 to 70 ft), it only started getting chilly at the end of my 2nd dive. As mentioned before though, fit is everything, & I had to learn all the latest tricks of the trade to get into this one (plastic bags over the hands, baby shampoo solution in a spray bottle, etc.), as it fits like it was custom tailored. I thought I would only be a warm water diver once a year, but now LOVE diving cold (hey, maybe Puget Sound sometime??). Nice knowing from previous post, O'Neill backs it's products up well.