Albert Einstein once said something similar to this: As the circle of knowledge grows, so too does the outer circumference of ignorance.
When I was 20 years old, I knew everything. But as I grow older and learn more, I realize how much I don't know. Some day I hope to learn so much about so many things that I'll realize that I know nothing about everything, and then I will have arrived.
When I read some of my posts from six months ago, I see how much I have learned, and that what I said back then was mostly hogwash. Evidently, what I post today will be hogwash to me six months from now.
Which should give you some idea of how much credence you should give my posts, including this one.
Of course, I could be wrong.
When I was 20 years old, I knew everything. But as I grow older and learn more, I realize how much I don't know. Some day I hope to learn so much about so many things that I'll realize that I know nothing about everything, and then I will have arrived.
When I read some of my posts from six months ago, I see how much I have learned, and that what I said back then was mostly hogwash. Evidently, what I post today will be hogwash to me six months from now.
Which should give you some idea of how much credence you should give my posts, including this one.
Of course, I could be wrong.