One more split fin theory put to rest

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Houston, TX
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just watched "Expedition Pacific Abyss". it is a show on Discovery Channel about deep divers diving to discover new species of fish. they dive wearing equipment weighing well over 100 pounds.

now, you will hear on SB that split fins can't push that much equipment through the water or you can't tow a diver. i no longer believe that as at least half the guys were wearing split fins.

If it appeared on TV then it must be true....

Check out Cousteau's old movies for more inspirational dive gear, and Deep Blue for suitable exposure protection.

It comes down to personal choice - but nothing beats trying both splits and paddles in the real world and making a decision. Ever tried a frog kick? In splits?

If it appeared on TV then it must be true....

Check out Cousteau's old movies for more inspirational dive gear, and Deep Blue for suitable exposure protection.

It comes down to personal choice - but nothing beats trying both splits and paddles in the real world and making a decision. Ever tried a frog kick? In splits?


that's why i said one theory. yes, i did try a frog kick in the caverns in Mexico. didn't work too well. i'm of the belief that having a pair of both gives you the best of both worlds.:eyebrow:
Ever tried a frog kick? In splits?

now, you will hear on SB that ... you can't tow a diver.

I wear both SP Jets and SP Twin Jets (the black ones which are the stiffest) so I'll throw in my two cents. Yes, you can frog kick in them but you can't tow anyone. I did my rescue class in my Twin Jets and was miserable. I was kicking like crazy and I could feel the fins flexing in half while providing no thrust what so ever. Of course I'm 6'3" 195lbs and the guy I was towing was 6'4" 270ish, so maybe that had something to do with it as well. :)
Anyone who tells you you can't frog kick in split fins is flat out lying ...anyone who tells you you can't backup in split fins is flat out lying to you anyone who tells you you can't helio / turn in slitfins is flat out lying to you. I bought into the BS and bought SP Jets and OMS Slips... I bought them after I bought a dry suit. My first set of fins were Tusa X-Pert Zooms ..basically a split with 27 deg angle on the fin. First off if you buy a dry suit get soles factory installed ...rock boots are a waste of money and require you to buy the next size larger paddle style fin. So back to the splits ..last week for giggles I bought springs for my splits and tried them out ....well guess what I have greater propulsion in the water with a frog kick... I can backup just as easy as if I were in paddle style fins and turning was just the same as paddles ... what really floored me was just how much more trust I had with splits while frog kicking speciallly on the surface hi-tailing it back to my boat...amazing. The only advantage a jet fin has is it is more neg in the water and when wearing my dry suit helps with foot trim ...however my splits work fine with a little extra conscious effort.

Don't believe any of these guys and their BS ... splits are great fins ...way better than paddles.
Anyone who tells you you can't frog kick in split fins is flat out lying ...anyone who tells you you can't backup in split fins is flat out lying to you anyone who tells you you can't helio / turn in slitfins is flat out lying to you. I bought into the BS and bought SP Jets and OMS Slips... I bought them after I bought a dry suit. My first set of fins were Tusa X-Pert Zooms ..basically a split with 27 deg angle on the fin. First off if you buy a dry suit get soles factory installed ...rock boots are a waste of money and require you to buy the next size larger paddle style fin. So back to the splits ..last week for giggles I bought springs for my splits and tried them out ....well guess what I have greater propulsion in the water with a frog kick... I can backup just as easy as if I were in paddle style fins and turning was just the same as paddles ... what really floored me was just how much more trust I had with splits while frog kicking speciallly on the surface hi-tailing it back to my boat...amazing. The only advantage a jet fin has is it is more neg in the water and when wearing my dry suit helps with foot trim ...however my splits work fine with a little extra conscious effort.

Don't believe any of these guys and their BS ... splits are great fins ...way better than paddles.

I love my splits (in the right circumstances), but I've never read a bigger load of BS here. Simple physics of the frog kick shows that a paddle provides more surface area in a frog kick.
Anyone who tells you you can't frog kick in split fins is flat out lying ...anyone who tells you you can't backup in split fins is flat out lying to you anyone who tells you you can't helio / turn in slitfins is flat out lying to you. I bought into the BS and bought SP Jets and OMS Slips... I bought them after I bought a dry suit. My first set of fins were Tusa X-Pert Zooms ..basically a split with 27 deg angle on the fin. First off if you buy a dry suit get soles factory installed ...rock boots are a waste of money and require you to buy the next size larger paddle style fin. So back to the splits ..last week for giggles I bought springs for my splits and tried them out ....well guess what I have greater propulsion in the water with a frog kick... I can backup just as easy as if I were in paddle style fins and turning was just the same as paddles ... what really floored me was just how much more trust I had with splits while frog kicking speciallly on the surface hi-tailing it back to my boat...amazing. The only advantage a jet fin has is it is more neg in the water and when wearing my dry suit helps with foot trim ...however my splits work fine with a little extra conscious effort.

Don't believe any of these guys and their BS ... splits are great fins ...way better than paddles.

Darn it, you found us out. It was a nefarious plot by all the tech/cave divers who have been planing and executing incredibly demanding dives. And we would have gotten away with it if it wern't for you meddling kids!

One can do all the kicks with just about any fin one wears. People advise staying away from splits because for most of the kicks a blade type fin is more efficient in the water. I.e. you can do more with less effort and with greater control.

As I said in my first post - I think it comes down to personal preference. I've tried two fairly soft/flexible splits and hated how they feel.

Texas - My advice: ignore this board and try both on your next few dives – swap fins with a buddy. If you pootle around with a flutter kick you may find splits suit you fine.

Skull - no one in this thread has said you can't frog kick in splits: indeed you can frog kick without any fins and still move ahead. I'm glad you enjoy yours - personally when I've tried splits and had a go frog kicking I've found myself doing a lot of work for less propulsion and I've found myself wishing I had a stiff blade on. To each their own...

Thanks Kevin ...but I found out by my own use of my old Splits that you are wrong ...and stating the physics about paddles vrs splits is BS since neither one of you are in R&D end of the fin business ..but like all other surefooted idiologs you are intitled to your opinion ...for what its worth..

Oh please Compu when was the last time you did a hydrodynamic evaluatoin of the force diagrams of the split vrs the paddles? Did you actually sign on to the R&D teams which designed these different types of fins? If not then your opinion is just about as good as mine and mine says if you dig splits ...stick with them if you dig paddles stick with them if you dig both then stick with both ...just don't tell me that paddles provide more thrust than splits in a frog kick ...cause I say from my own experience that they don't. Also don't tell me you can't backup in splits cause you can with ease if you know how to backup ... its all BS on a grand goofy scale which I find quite embarrassing.

But hay brother if you feel that you need to perpetuate the myth ...well ..god bless ya!
if you buy a dry suit get soles factory installed ...rock boots are a waste of money

I would not have anything BUT rock boots. I think they provide the best traction and stability on uneven rocks and boulders I find on many beaches. It's hard enough getting in and out of the surf with a tank and weight but then you try it wearing what is in effect two pairs of socks with a rubber pad glued to the bottom you'll fall on your head. The DUI rock boots offer very good ankle suport and keep pointy things from the bottoms of your feet.

Of course if you are diving off a boat who needs shoes? Fins over socks works fine.

Back to fins. I think you can generate power with split fins but it requires some FAST flutter kicking. Most of us normal divers would gulp down an 80cf tank in 15 minutes if we did that. The big blade fins make power with a wide and slow scissor kick. I have seen some U/W footage of divers pushing some large gear with very flexible fins but MAN were their feet moving fast. Maybe with the rebreathers they can huff and puff and still have some bottom time.

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