One-legged divers?

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Naw, not all the time. But on the otherhand, a lot of folks think we're (divers) all nuts. Also, it helps for the cook to be entertaining on those boats.

Anybody have any thoughts?

I dove on Aliwhal Shoal in South Africa a couple of years ago. The owner of the dive shop, with a string of instructor certifications, was a double amputee (above the knees). He was diving with prostheses. He must have been one of the best divers I have ever seen. I still don't understand how he got out the water, as we were diving from a large RIB in 5-10 foot swells, and there was no ladder. I ended up with a bruised rib as a result...
We're working on a homemade monofin bolted/epoxied onto a regular fin, to see if this will boost finning speed and yet not wear me out during dives. Once this setup works, it will still have to be adjusted depending on the type of disability and requirements of other users.

As if 1-leg powered scuba diving is not enough, I've gotten into competition sailing on Hobie 16s and Access dinghys. Hoping to qualify for the 2012 London Paralympics, too late for Beijing 2008. I'm also designing an outrigger, steering and sail rig system for a kayak, to make it convertible into a sailing trimaran. This will make it a dive boat platform in between cruising about islands and lakes.

Attitude, vision, love for the sea and most of all, having as much fun, is what will keep us "diff-abled" playing in or on the water.
You'd be amazed how efficient one large fin can be. A diver we dove with had better SAC and has dove over 1000 dives on one fin (his other leg was injured in an accident) than myself and his girlfriend. He had no problem keeping up with anyone, or any stress diving at all.

Just need one big fin, and you can accomodate to most condition. My guess is that a person who has adapted with 1 leg can get in and out of the water than most people with 2 legs.
I did a cavern dive last weekend with a one legged diver. In the water, I never noticed. His trim was textbook, and darn him and those splitfins.. he was fast too! :)

I think people get way too hung up on meaningless stuff. Can the diver dive? If so, let it be and have a good time. I certainly had a blast diving with that guy and his friend. Got to ask some question about his leg, he showed me how it plugs in and everything. Cool technology.

He's an SB diver by the way so I met him on here.
My dive buddy has only one leg (same diver as in parrone ford's reply) I have made around 45 dives with him boat,quarry,cavern,etc... he does not have any problems at all diving. He is great dive buddy trust him and his abilities completly. We have had to modify a few things mostly entrys and exits but nothing major. It is hard to look at him and say he is disabled because he does every thing I do and most of it better. I guess it is only a disability if you let it hold you back.
Jeremy K Williford:
I guess it is only a disability if you let it hold you back.

That's it right there...

Good to see you post Jeremy. Had a lot of fun with you guys, and hope we get to do it again. I'd dive with you guys again anytime.
We have an LDS here in Denver that works reguarly with disabled divers of all types. They have special equipment mounted on their pool for training dives. The owner was a physical therapist at a local hospital prior to marrying into the business. They run disabled trips as well.
I've been out on a boat in a lake with a one legged diver 2 or 3 times now... wasn't a very pleasent experience. He every time he wants to be towed around... last time when we got under he handed his slate to the DM and he had already written on it on the boat "can I hold on to your tank?" ... really now...

Some guy's have been working with him though and he shows improvement every time we go out. His fake leg was a floating problem so he doesn't dive with it anymore. He can control his bouyancy now, and overall is comfortable in the water and can get around. We need to figure out a way for him to fin effectively one legged... the fact that he's out of shape doesn't help much. Mermaid suit maybe?

He's the type that recently lost his leg (last 10 years being recent), and thinks he has something to prove to keep his independence or something like that... it's a situation I'm not in and couldn't possibly understand being a person with two legs, so I don't judge him for it. For the most part he gets along with it fine, can crawl up onto the boat and get all his gear ready and togethor, etc. The only time he's ever been any kind of a burden is when he wants to hang onto your tank and be towed around...

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