Review Olympus OM-1 Underwater Camera Review By: Jim Decker | Backscatter

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Excellent review of the OM-1 camera for underwater photography and videography:

This is one of the best, perhaps the only, review of the OM-1 for u/w photography/video I have read so far.

The review conclusion is very favorable for the OM-1 for u/w photography use with several very strong capabilities for the job competing against the big names/models in the full frame category. The feedback for the video capabilities isn't so positive for this camera. Their conclusion is that the OM-1 isn't for the serious video diver (but we know that already) mainly because of the u/w white balancing issue.

One of the most important pieces of information in the review that I didn't know nor expect was this bit:

"Flash Sync Speed Spec'd at 1/250 But I Got It To 1/500​

The camera lists the spec of the flash sync speed at 1/250. However, when using a manual flash trigger with only ground and fire connections, the camera has no idea a flash is connected and will allow the shutter speed to go higher than the max sync speed of the camera. I was able to shoot at 1/500 with no sign of the shutter in the image. The shutter did creep in at 1/640.

There are plenty of uses for a higher sync speed. Freezing more ambient light to prevent motion blur of fast-moving subjects, darker backgrounds for macro while using a wider aperture, or getting more light from your strobes by increasing ISO and shutter speed for wide angle while maintaining a darker background. It’s the biggest surprise this camera has and it's pretty huge in terms of flash capability. The Sony a1 is the only other flash to sync at 1/400 and this is 1/3 stop better than that. I can’t emphasize how awesome this is.

Since this is not an official spec, please don’t rely on this as gospel. There could be tolerances with different cameras, but we saw the same 1/500 sync capability with 3 different camera bodies. Your mileage may vary.

The hacked 1/500 sync speed is the sleeper underneath the hood that makes a big difference in controlling ambient light. No other camera can do this right now, and for me, is the biggest game-changer."

The "bad" points, only two of them, are:

"The 2 weak spots are the lackluster white balance capabilities and the inability to see the foreground in sunball shots."

Overall Evalution:
"The OM Systems OM-1 is the best 4/3 camera that a photo shooter can have right now. Speed of shooting is excellent combined with the speed and accuracy of tracking autofocus rivaling cameras that are 3 times the price.

Regarding the 20MP resolution and remember that this is a smaller sensor camera, it will not be able to match the image quality of larger full-frame cameras. That being said image quality is at the top of the list for anything less than full-frame, and those full-frame cameras come at a much higher price and size premium. I found the images coming from this camera to show excellent image quality and if this was my only camera, I would definitely be satisfied with it.

  • Best Micro Four Thirds photo camera to date
  • Lightweight and small travel size due to smaller lens mount system
  • Great for birding and safaris too due to the smaller lightweight lens system
  • Excellent image quality for anything less than full-frame
  • Autofocus subject tracking that rivals cameras 3 times the price
  • Newly organized and improved menu structure
  • Smooth image stabilization of 7 stops in body, 8 with a compatible lens

  • Won’t execute a custom white balance worth anything in ambient light conditions
  • Can’t see the foreground in a backlit sunball shot"

Olympus OM-1 Underwater Camera Review By: Jim Decker | Backscatter
This is interesting, thank you for linking...

=> The improved AF may well be worth an update (in DPreview the C-AF, surprisingly, was rated to be only little improved over previous models:; I wonder now what is the reality for UW macro :oops:)...

IQ is similar as with al 20 Mpix Oly cameras, no reason to upgrade from this side...

Regarding the 1/500s flash sync. I can say that I also get 1/500s with my EM1II and the Nauticam flash trigger. At 1/640s the shutter starts to appear (as Jim Decker observes for the OM-1), but 1/500s is clean. To be on the safe side I normally go at its minimum to 1/400...
Seems to be a property of Oly cameras and not a new feature of OM-1...

This is interesting, thank you for linking...

=> The improved AF may well be worth an update (in DPreview the C-AF, surprisingly, was rated to be only little improved over previous models:; I wonder now what is the reality for UW macro :oops:)...

IQ is similar as with al 20 Mpix Oly cameras, no reason to upgrade from this side...


Although this camera isn't a "WOW" camera that it was advertised to be in some circles, I believe that for the underwater photographer, it is indeed a significant upgrade in many aspects of its specifications. I am disappointed in the resolution however.

I am saving my pennies to be able to afford to buy one and its Nauticam housing (in addition to a couple of lenses).

At 1/640s the shutter starts to appear (as Jim Decker observes for the OM-1)

Can you cut the black line at this speed with cropping or does it take a big percentage of the picture?
Since I've gone from the OMD-EM5 (mark I) to the OM-1, a big step up, I'm WOWed with the new camera.

BTW, the Nauticam housing for the OM-1 is marvelous, expensive but worth it.
Seems olympus doesn’t make a housing yet?
Seems olympus doesn’t make a housing yet?
They stopped selling housings a couple/few cameras ago; I believe the M1mkII was the last. AOI posted on Facebook back in April that they were going to release a housing for the OM-1, but at this point it's vaporware (they haven't shipped their housing for the M1mkIII yet, and even took it off their website).
They stopped selling housings a couple/few cameras ago; I believe the M1mkII was the last. AOI posted on Facebook back in April that they were going to release a housing for the OM-1, but at this point it's vaporware (they haven't shipped their housing for the M1mkIII yet, and even took it off their website).
Thnx I didn’t realize that
my housing for the epl10 is an aoi
Although this camera isn't a "WOW" camera that it was advertised to be in some circles, I believe that for the underwater photographer, it is indeed a significant upgrade in many aspects of its specifications. I am disappointed in the resolution however.

I am saving my pennies to be able to afford to buy one and its Nauticam housing (in addition to a couple of lenses).

Can you cut the black line at this speed with cropping or does it take a big percentage of the picture?
Hi Boltsnap,

I fully agree, the OM-1 is a worthy upgrade, especially from the older 16 Mpixel sensors with contrast based AF - there you have greatly improved AF and somewhat improved IQ..
=> When going for a new housing, I would only consider the OM-1 and certainly not EM1-III (the price differerence at the end, with housing, extensions, ports at the same price, will be not very significant).
=> an alternative way would be to look for a second hand housing for EM1-II. This will save substantial money at very similar IQ and also AF is o.k. (as a current Nauticam EM1II photographer, the urge to upgrade is not really strong; too much money for the improvement in already acceptable AF; instead I plan to test out FF UW, when once the new Sony A7rv appears and the specs are good; then in 3-4 years, when OM offers a camera with better AF AND IQ I will upgrade the MFT setup (in case I still want to continue with MFT)...

Here are the sample shots for the 1/500s flash syncronisation with the Nauticam flash trigger. I made them this May in Egypt, when there was time between having really beautiful photo motifs. All with EM1II, Panasonic 45mm macro, 2* Inon Z330, ISO 200 amd f/11:

1/400 - completely clean (I decided to take this as the minimum speed in the future to be on the save side):

1/500 ( I dried it several times and it always worked, so far; BUT one can see the shutter coming on the very top, it does not have much impact, but who knows how it may look next time and destroy a really nice photo):

1/640 - the shutter starts appearing:

Regards, Wolfgang

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