Hi WolfangThis is interesting, thank you for linking...
=> The improved AF may well be worth an update (in DPreview the C-AF, surprisingly, was rated to be only little improved over previous models:; I wonder now what is the reality for UW macro)...
IQ is similar as with al 20 Mpix Oly cameras, no reason to upgrade from this side...
Regarding the 1/500s flash sync. I can say that I also get 1/500s with my EM1II and the Nauticam flash trigger. At 1/640s the shutter starts to appear (as Jim Decker observes for the OM-1), but 1/500s is clean. To be on the safe side I normally go at its minimum to 1/400...
Seems to be a property of Oly cameras and not a new feature of OM-1...
i just acquire the OM1 mii with the full AOI sets ( will move back to isotta as i have all port from previous Om system)
I m wondering if you can share all bnest settings configuration to all users of OM system as the menu changed a lot and maybe someome can share the best settings used for the optimal access on macro 60/90 and Wide angle lens.
Would be the best day for all Om system divers