I love my Oly, but they both seem to be excellent cameras. One factor might be ease of accessorizing. Ike has some awesome pictures on the website taken with a Fuji. I think you'll spend a lot more money with the Fuji and the Ike, but if you're going high end on the strobe, you'll get a really sturdy housing that comes with a tray and a quick arm release and you'll get one stop shopping, because Ikelite will have all the stuff but the camera and all the answers. You're going to spend probably twice as much money but it all depends on your priorities, your budget and how handy you are at mixing and matching stuff. Sometimes doing it right once can be almost cheaper than getting two bargains to find the one item you want. Toss a coin. Another choice might be the Oly and the Ike. Ike even has a TTL setup for the Oly.