I honestly feel bad for you, Genesis. I don't get over here much, but I've seen enough to feel bad.
It has nothing to do with your views on white balance, computer applications, red filters, the rule of thirds, how someone died on a dive (per your theory), insurance underwriting, nitrogen exposure, constitutional interpretation, Suunto algorithms, municipal graft, county ordinances, Steve Jobs, Microsoft, Pixar, state legislation, Bill Gates, Apple, Disney, Clinton, Smoking Ban Amendments, the 14th Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Florida Constitution, the Federal Constitution, Air-fill rip offs, Girl friends who have left you in a drunken stupor, funny gag grouper photos lip strung on a stringer that you amazingly use as your profile photo, playful ramoras, trade practice violations, how to make your own diesel fuel, peanut shell 02 analyzers, haskels, evil Democrats, or any other brief glimpse into your jaded psyche I have had the misfortune of briefly witnessing.
I feel bad for you because you're never there. Never there to shoot fish, to hang with the guys, to goof around on the boat, to lay it on the line, to show that you have anything resembling grit. Tell you what, big guy. I've got an extra spot on my boat this weekend for the Southern Open (well, I'll make an extra spot). Bring some lean mixes, my friend. I'd recommend a couple of 26s (1.6 plan), and the rest will be in the shallows (120 or so), so 32s will do. My email address is speargun@tampabay.rr.com. My name is Scott McPherson. My cell phone number is 727.457.3050. You'll be treated first class on my boat like a part of the brotherhood. Bring your gun and gear and be ready to drop when told. Your share of the fuel is on me. No B.S. I will write here and on spearboard that you're for real, and can shoot something more than your mouth behind a keyboard. (Assuming you actually show-up and shoot something more than a suicidal hog or trigger).
It has nothing to do with your views on white balance, computer applications, red filters, the rule of thirds, how someone died on a dive (per your theory), insurance underwriting, nitrogen exposure, constitutional interpretation, Suunto algorithms, municipal graft, county ordinances, Steve Jobs, Microsoft, Pixar, state legislation, Bill Gates, Apple, Disney, Clinton, Smoking Ban Amendments, the 14th Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Florida Constitution, the Federal Constitution, Air-fill rip offs, Girl friends who have left you in a drunken stupor, funny gag grouper photos lip strung on a stringer that you amazingly use as your profile photo, playful ramoras, trade practice violations, how to make your own diesel fuel, peanut shell 02 analyzers, haskels, evil Democrats, or any other brief glimpse into your jaded psyche I have had the misfortune of briefly witnessing.
I feel bad for you because you're never there. Never there to shoot fish, to hang with the guys, to goof around on the boat, to lay it on the line, to show that you have anything resembling grit. Tell you what, big guy. I've got an extra spot on my boat this weekend for the Southern Open (well, I'll make an extra spot). Bring some lean mixes, my friend. I'd recommend a couple of 26s (1.6 plan), and the rest will be in the shallows (120 or so), so 32s will do. My email address is speargun@tampabay.rr.com. My name is Scott McPherson. My cell phone number is 727.457.3050. You'll be treated first class on my boat like a part of the brotherhood. Bring your gun and gear and be ready to drop when told. Your share of the fuel is on me. No B.S. I will write here and on spearboard that you're for real, and can shoot something more than your mouth behind a keyboard. (Assuming you actually show-up and shoot something more than a suicidal hog or trigger).