Ok, I Am Trying...

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Erik Il Rosso:
Weight is still dropping (-2 kg) even if I had pizza during the week-end, my goal, 95 Kg is "Only" 9 Kg away, I am fed up to see 3 digits on my scale...

I must admit that I am more active than I was before, I am currently swimming twice a week and do not less than 4 dives duiring the week-end...
I also take the time to rest because resting make us stronger, as Cameron says in his book...

Oh, "Stamina" was almost a forgotten word to me but now I feel the urge to go out and do something...
Maybe I am in a "Up" phase and everything looks good but I'll try and be "Up" as much as I can...

Ciao Erik Il Rosso
This is most wonderful news, Erik! I'm delighted for you! :)

What is especially great to read is that you're motivated because you *want to*; you feel the desire/urge to exercise, not because you feel you *have to*.
Another update...

Tonight the coach pushed me to my limits and after 10 minutes I exprerienced a state I have never felt before, I could swim without stopping and breathing was regular...

I must admit that at the beginning I was a little bit annoyed that the coach continued to put pressure on me but if this is the result maybe she was right and I was wrong...

The sensation I experienced was great like when I discovered that I was able to hover and I felt weightless for the first time...

Next time I will try to see if I am able to pass the DM swim test, 400 metres in 11 minutes, wish me luck...

I must admit the going to swim was the best decision I have ever taken in my life and I perfectly undestrand that...

"You don't dive to stay fit but you stay fit to dive"

Ciao Erik Il Rosso
I am so happy for you, Erik! You've made so much progress since you first started this thread -- I don't even know you and I'm proud! :wink:

Best of luck with the DM swim test! I know you can do it! :)
Congratulations, Erik! Way to keep up the hard work!

Just got the last link you posted for me... about the bikini. HAHAHAHA!!!! LOL Well.... I can dream of having a body like that!! LOL You are too funny!

I've been swimming 3 times a week for an hour each time. I have to say though, my form sucks!! Oh, well... the point is, I'm doing it. I have noticed a drop of about 4-5 lbs over 2 weeks. That's good for me as I have a slow metabolism.

Keep it up, Erik... you are doing great!!
I do not know what is happening but in the last two weeks the scale remained still at 104 Kgs...

I know that in two months I lost 13 Kgs, but I am puzzled by the fact that I am eating in the same way, swimming longer with much more intensity then before but apparently nothing happens...

I am certainly doing something wrong but what ???

Despite all this I look thinnier and I feel really good...

Silly things is that when people see that you are losing they want to guess how much you weight...
In my case I ask them to be as fair as possible and not to understimate just to make me happy and my fellow divers always say that I am at least 10 Kgs less than my actual weight...
When I tell them the real weight they all start to say that it is impossible and that my scale must be faulty and that I "LOOK" "Ok" now...

Ciao Erik Il Rosso
I've never had a problem with weight so I'm far from being knowledgeable about losing it, but my (very limited) understanding of weight loss is that rapid weight loss can sometimes be attributed to WATER loss. I'm under the impression that to lose actual fat takes much longer.

Regardless, you have so much to be happy about!! Your swimming has improved tremendously, you look better and you feel great!!! :)

Just got the last link you posted for me... about the bikini. HAHAHAHA!!!! LOL Well.... I can dream of having a body like that!! LOL You are too funny!

I've been swimming 3 times a week for an hour each time. I have to say though, my form sucks!! Oh, well... the point is, I'm doing it. I have noticed a drop of about 4-5 lbs over 2 weeks. That's good for me as I have a slow metabolism.

Keep it up, Erik... you are doing great!!

The bikini link was simply spectacular, you can't imagine how many DMs and Instructors would be pleased to open or close a dry suit with a girl like that inside... :wink:
I bet they would also be pleased to move her gear on/off the boat...
I could be wrong but Marylin Monroe used to say :"Give a girl a pair of high heels and she will conquer the world", enough said...

I am noticing that your are swimming more than I am currently doing so in relative short time you form should improve...
It took me about two and a half months to see some results and even if I know it is difficult to accept remember that patience is the key...

I really would love to see the scale go down every day but I have to accept the fact that it does not work that way...

I perfectly know that after dieting for a whole week our only reward is to see the scale go down but as I have just learned in the last two weeks sometimes the scale does not go down and you have to learn not to get discouraged and continue to stick to the diet plan...

Ciao Erik Il Rosso
I've never had a problem with weight so I'm far from being knowledgeable about losing it, but my (very limited) understanding of weight loss is that rapid weight loss can sometimes be attributed to WATER loss. I'm under the impression that to lose actual fat takes much longer.

Canadian girl I think you are right... eyebrow

Next week apart from trying the DM swim test I will also visit my doctor for a check-up...
I am rather curious to see my blood tests, after 2 month dieting they should be pretty Ok...
Fingers crossed...

Ciao Erik Il Rosso
:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: Erik...

I bet any man would love to zip up a woman wearing one of those bikinis!! :wink:

You say you are now swimming longer and with more intesity. If you are working out harder and longer, then try adding just a *little* more food to your diet. Sometimes an extra apple and banana, or other healthy snack CAN make the scale go down. For instance. This last week my weight had been standing still and I've added a little more food on the days that I swim and I looked at the scale this morning, and it has gone down 1 more pound. I am doing Weight Watchers now too (for the last 2 weeks)... and this is something that they promote. I think the theory behind it is-- The more you work out, the more food/fuel your body needs. Working out will increase your metabolism, so if you don't feed it enough, your body will still hold on to what it has. Feed it, and you will begin to shed what you don't need. I hope this makes sense, as I'm not really good at paraphrasing things. Also, generally speaking, the first 10 lbs or so can usually be attributed to water loss, anything after that will take longer to come off. Also, remember, you are most likely gaining muscle too... and muscle weighs more than fat. So, you may be shrinking in size, but not in weight.

I felt really good a couple days ago when I went to swim. First, I was feeling lazy, and didn't really want to go. But I did. There was another "fluffy" girl (better than saying fat!) there and was sharing a lane with me. I am much larger of a girl than she... probably by 50+ lbs. Now, considering I still have 107 lbs to lose (about 48 kg), I felt really good that I could swim like I do. I really tried to encourage this girl... she could only swim 1/2 lap without stopping, and would walk the last 10 ft to the wall in the shallow end. When she first got into my lane with me, she asked me how many laps I swim, and I told her I generally lose track at about 30 laps (prolly swim at least 40 laps easy). She says, "that many!!". I told her it does get easier, and not to give up! I can swim 10-12 laps without stopping at all, then when I do stop it is only for about 15-20 seconds to catch breath... usually it is in the deep end so I tread water instead of stopping completely.

Sorry this is such a long post....just wanted to share a little victory. Sounds like you are doing great and having victories of your own!! Keep up the awesome work! Keep me posted! I love to read your posts!

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