Oil hemorrhaging stopped?

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That was an exploratory well they weren't pumping any oil from it. It has only cost them money so far and lots of it.

Actually BP will be collecting (siphoning) oil from the very cap they just put on (up to 80,000 barrels per day) in the next day or two according to them.


Valves are expected to open after that to resume siphoning oil to two ships on the surface, the Q4000 and Helix Producer, as government and BP officials assess the data and decide what to do next. Two more ships are due to join them in coming weeks, bringing containment capacity to 80,000 barrels of oil a day, more than high-end estimates of how much oil had been leaking.
No point in letting it all go to waste right. Wonder if they're going continue pumping oil from the well with another rig?
Just FYI, BP is not siphoning or pumping oil from this well. They are collecting it as it flows out. There is something in the area of 6000 PSI on the wellbore.
Just FYI, BP is not siphoning or pumping oil from this well. They are collecting it as it flows out. There is something in the area of 6000 PSI on the wellbore.

So the cap in fact failed? Everyting I have read said that it stopped the flow completely and they would be opening a valved again to siphon oil off from that head. Is that wrong? I may have misunderstood something - or things may have changed as well. I am only going by what I read so I am curious about what you have read. One way sounds shady (on BP) and one doesn't......The truth is out there :D.
So the cap in fact failed? Everyting I have read said that it stopped the flow completely and they would be opening a valved again to siphon oil off from that head. Is that wrong? I may have misunderstood something - or things may have changed as well. I am only going by what I read so I am curious about what you have read. One way sounds shady (on BP) and one doesn't......The truth is out there :D.

OK, so there is a "cap" on the well right now, think of it as a manifold. It has a series of 3 valves on it which they can open and close. Right now all the valves are closed. The well is shut in, there is 6000psi. The term siphon is where the misunderstanding is. Behind those valves (on the wellbore) there is +/-6000 psi. So they aren't siphoning the oil, it has 6000 psi behind it. It will flow all on it's own. The cap is like a second Blow Out Preventer.
:(:( The ocean will recover, In the 1940's the whole east coast was coverd in oil. The germans wrecked havoc on all the tankers and ships in the area. On some sites up into the late 80's there were still small traces of oil still escaping. :confused::confused:
Boycott BP I'd like to see that happen you caint even get 50% of the voters out on election day.:no::no::rofl3::rofl3::rofl3:
We need to boycott BP period. I have. Dump all their stock. Make a point. It makes me sick that their stock is still on the rise after this international environmental debacle!

Do you realize that selling off all your stock it will do nothing to the company? All you will accomplish is letting someone else by it cheap. Heck, they will probably even make a profit on it.
Yeah, that will put a serious hurt on them....

If you want to punish the company then buy stock. Get everyone you know together and buy enough to have a controlling interest in the company and then vote in the policy you want.
Selling stock when it is low only maximizes your opportunity for a loss and allows others a chance to cheap. Oh, and hope they aren't even greedier than those in charge now.
If you want to punish the company then buy stock. Get everyone you know together and buy enough to have a controlling interest in the company and then vote in the policy you want.


BP market cap is about 80billion, you'll need to get a lot of drinking buddies together to buy a controlling interest.

This isn't a BP problem, it's our problem. We have an insatiable requirement for oil that must be curtailed.

Take a look at this then you can decide where the real action needs to start.
Haha no big deal AD. Just wish more people would pull their heads out of their arses. Like you said, if anything we should be supporting them. Plus just think of how many small business owners would go under if everybody started boycotting BP. They just buy their gas from BP. I really hope stakanak comes back to read this thread and changes his ways. Seems like a lot of people now days have lost the ability to think for them selves.

I don't know 1st hand but one of the guys I work with told me a BP station near him closed down. He went from grossing $5000.00per week to less than $2000.00 after the spill. Nice job you knuckle heads what did that poor guy do to deserve to lose his lively hood? What a collective bunch of A$$holes!

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