I`m sure your husband is a fine person - I`m not judging him - I`ve never met him and don`t know him - but the person you described in your post does not sound so nice .. really ... you made him sound like a jerk. ( I know - he`s not - but thats what you made it sound like )
What I was getting at was maybe you misunderstood him when you thought he was discouraging you from following the teaching route - thats why I asked what he said / did to discourage you. Maybe if he was discouraging you it was for reasons he thought were in your best interest. ( If you let someone discourage you from doing this how much could you have really wanted it yourself. )
Now he is suggesting you could assist him and / or teach some classes - maybe he thinks your a GREAT photographer - that COULD be encouragement - it depends how you want to look at it - maybe you need to lighten up and give him a break
I don`t know you - i don`t know him - I`m not judging eithr of you - just suggesting that his point of view mught not be as bad as you think
What I was getting at was maybe you misunderstood him when you thought he was discouraging you from following the teaching route - thats why I asked what he said / did to discourage you. Maybe if he was discouraging you it was for reasons he thought were in your best interest. ( If you let someone discourage you from doing this how much could you have really wanted it yourself. )
Now he is suggesting you could assist him and / or teach some classes - maybe he thinks your a GREAT photographer - that COULD be encouragement - it depends how you want to look at it - maybe you need to lighten up and give him a break
I don`t know you - i don`t know him - I`m not judging eithr of you - just suggesting that his point of view mught not be as bad as you think