sealkie:No - never had that issue - I don`t associate with people who have such little respect for me and my abilities. Although I will consider other peoples advice I would not allow anyone to stop me doing something I wanted to so
Ummmm - Sealkie? This is ONE incident I'm *****ing about here. This IS my husband we're talking about, and overall I'm quite partial to him. You're judging a whole person on very little here. Lighten up a bit, OK?
sealkie:WHY + how did you SO discourage you from persuing your instructor rating ?? Maybe he`s trying to encourage you by suggesting you start DM`ing for him ?? Maybe his suggestion that you teach certain classes / subjects is because they are the ones you excell at or seem to enjoy.
Seem you should be talking to him about this
Hmmmmm... I don't quite understand your first question there. Anyhow, regarding the rest, I'm a mediocre photographer (although my buoyancy is pretty dang good