Good luck with cave class, guys. I just finished mine, and almost wish I could do it again.
Does that make me a masochist?
Nah, just a perfectionist.
Just remember to relax, think things through, and don't waste your time and his trying to anticipate your instructor's next move. Trust me on this one. Seriously.
That's one thing about the class trip reports on the net: they're great for giving you a taste of what you can expect, so you can gauge if the class is right for you and if your skills are approximately up to the task, but when they give away too many secrets, you don't get the full value of your training. You're not surprised and reacting normally, but rather keyed up and nervous, which reduces the effectiveness of the scenario and makes things difficult for your instructor. And when things deviate from what you've come to expect, it can be unnecessarily confusing.
Another thing: If you haven't trained for the swim test in water as cold as the spring runs, you may have an unpleasant surprise ahead. I trained in a heated pool, knew the springs would be colder, but didn't appreciate
how much colder. Let's just say I never caught my breath between the time I jumped in and when the swim ended. So much for proper form and breathing!
Great incentive for setting a personal best on that trial, though.
Last item: If you're taking tanks with you, take two sets or prepare to rent an extra from your instructor. The reports I'd read indicated getting fills between dives, but we simply switched doubles and filled at the end of the day.