I will be at a slight disadvantage having never worn a set of 104s...oh well, that's life, eh?mark3397 once bubbled...
I dove my full setup last weekend and worked out a few kinks. Got the bands were I needed them. Worked on kicks and turns. Everything feels good, but damn, these 104s are _heavy_.
The place where I work at is shutting down for two weeks starting on the 27th, so I can pick you up whenever you want
O-ring. Wish I would have known that a few months ago.
I take it we are meeting Tyler at EE at what time on the 1st?
Yeah, I wish we had known that too...it would have been nice to get to the springs or the coast for a few relaxing fun dives (and some practice

Anyway, yeah, as far as I remember, Tyler wants to meet us at EE at 9 a.m. I will verify that when I get home (email is at home).