Is there a charter boat or live-aboard dive op. that is not for profit?
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Is there a charter boat or live-aboard dive op. that is not for profit?
I should have been more clear. Exploiting sharks- baiting them to you for a photo and bragging rites...and thump on the chest...whatever your reason. As divers we should respect the marine environment and merely be observers to the world we have intruded upon.
These ops are "sharing their love for these misunderstood creatures".....I am just calling bull. It is about the Benjamins....all about the Benjamins and nothing but the Benjamins.
Of course I know what a jihad is and it's never good. It's done by narrow minded people trying to eliminate all other opinions and yes, that applies to a few who are trying to push their catechism of anti-shark feeding upon us. In other words, they remind me of any religious zealot who feels that only they have the truth. Is it snarky? I hope so. I have absolutely no stomach for them trying to use this tragedy to push their unholy agenda. It's gross. It's ugly. It's nothing but a mean jihad based on nothing more than a failed belief that they have the right to tell others what to do and do it through fear mongering and character assassination.This is the second time you're used the word "jihad" in this thread. Are you going for cheap emotionalism? Do you even know what it means, or how incredibly snarky it is? Please stop equating people holding valid opinions with violent, religiously motivated murderers and war mongers. It's sleazy.
Let me understand this. A large group of people disagree with you and it's "group think"??? Secondly, you don't think I like controversy? This kind of open debate is GREAT for the site. It's also great for the sharks and the community. The more everyone posts their conflicting opinions, the more Google likes ScubaBoard. We've been kind of blase' for a bit, so this is good stuff. Don't ever think we don't like conflicting opinions. We exist because of them. On the other hand, don't expect your opinion to always be the popular one. The only time we exclude people is when they are mean. Disagree early and often. We love the traffic!!! Now, ScubaPink might suggest that this too is "all about the Benjamins", and She'd be wrong, wrong wrong. Most diving businesses began as hobbies and simply consumed our time and energies making it imperative to find a way to make a living off of it. We need those Benjamins so we can continue having fun and pay the rent. Like ScubaBoard, I can tell you that shark feeding was all about having fun first and sharing it second.I bet this post gets deleted because it does not comport to the prevailing Groupthink.
Years ago there used to be many great ski slopes, with awesome trails that would twist through the woods, and many skiers thought these were the ultimate experiences to enjoy....Then, a someone ran into a tree, and died..maybe a few of these incidents out of millions of skier runs down the hills, but the Nanny types grabbed these deaths, and shrieked that someone must prevent the evil ski slopes from having such dangerous threats on their properties, as the trail systems....and so today, many slopes have REMOVED the trails, due to the Nanny types...the people that feel we must be protected from ourselves.... I wish we could be protected from the Nanny types....!
I am not going to contribute more the this thread but really felt the need to post a link to a youtube video on an Abernathy dive whereby a diver, our of our camera lens, continues to "pet" the sharks. The gut-wrenching thing is when you see the sharks reaction- eye-rolling to signify aggression.
This "show of affection" from this diver begins at around the 10.19 and happens again at 10:48.
The shark is not enjoying this "petting."
Shark expedition with Jim Abernethy's Scuba Adventures - YouTube
What we are NOT talking about is poorly trained OW Divers....divers that get turned out en-mass by the big agencies, and really should have no more than a "Learner's Permit"....
What "we ARE" talking about, are the pro level photographers that frequent Abernethy's boats, Randy Jordan's boats, and other boats that cater to divers that are actually "Advanced Divers".....and this is certainly not to be mis-construed to mean the Advanced Open Water Cert, which offers zero indication of the diver's skills or awareness levels. There is a "common Sense" understanding of an "Advanced diver", someone with thousands of dives, that enjoys dives in challenging conditions, absolutely does not need a dive guide or dive master ( is probably BETTER than many dive guides or Dive Masters), this is a diver that has great peripheral awareness....and that avoids going out on boats that cater to students and novice divers, and would be very annoyed to find themselves on a boat where the captain or crew would presume to direct them in any way, on the basics of safe diving ( how much pressure to come up with, the suggestion that they need to use a buddy they don't know, the list of suggestions crews make to novice divers goes on ad nauseum.
This is likely to describe MANY in this thread, and it describes a very large portion of the shark diving fraternity.
Once marine life be it sharks or other predators get in close you have no defense against them, you're at their mercy at that point and what happens you'll only be along for the ride for at that point.
John,Nice theory, but not remotely true, at least here in Colorado. Here are videos from four different mountains nearby. Yes, I have skied all these runs. There are a lot more like them.
Dude the day you can fend off a baracudda attack we will have something to talk about. I talked about fending off marine life at close range, you then boiled it down to a very specific scenario. If you're experienced as I know you to be you've witnessed more than once the lightening speed that some marine species move at when they have targetted something as prey and the only thing for you to do at this point would be to agree or fall back on another specific scenario.
This is what I said
A specific scenario of fending of fat lazy tiger sharks with a camera doesn't negate every scenario or every marine species.
It also doesn't have anything to do with dividing up divers between your super hero species of diver and the poor lazy slob divers who make up the rest of us.