Doug Kahle
what is wrong with the Galapagos picture again? man, i have never seen anyone alter their stance/argument so much to fit their end goal. selective reasoning at its best.
I'm not there; you need to get me the pic with me and my camera; come to Palm Beach County and get me the pic with no dead or wounded fish.
---------- Post added July 25th, 2014 at 12:26 PM ----------
That's funny. If they are close enough you have to hit them with your camera rig 3-4 times on the head because they are too close, I think that's close enough for you to get your pictures. Any closer would put you inside them.
---------- Post added July 25th, 2014 at 09:15 AM ----------
The sharks in my video have without any doubts been fed and they are now pain in the asses due to it since they now associate a diver out from the rest of the group away from the reef as someone who is going to feed them. Maybe you'd like it because you could get your pictures, but to others (me) when they come in aggressively to your body and you have to beat them off, it's not fun anymore. That's altered in a detrimental way in my book.
I did not know they were feeding in Belize; are you sure? I've heard some of operators drag around a container for the nurse sharks; but, I've never heard of anything more being done in Belize.