I am in the process of setting up and checking out my wife’s new (bought used) transpac XT+ travelwing BCD for tomorrow’s pool test dive. What has me stumped a little is that this particular dive rite travel wing has both, the dump valve as well as the inflator port on the same side of the wing. While we may try it both ways, in this case, what would the wisdom of those more seasoned suggest:
Dump and inflator elbow towards the tank side of things ( and risk reaching trouble to the dump if the wing folds up a bit)?
Or both towards the diver side of things (it’s a biggish elbow on an XS woman... we,ll see...)???
2.) And my son is getting a cobbled together W&BP. The wing is not odd... but... so there are three upper and three lower holes for (starting with plastic) bolts to mount the wing. It’s a hog 23l wing with built in “channels” acting as STA. The BP is bought used. No idea what it is, Alu, bent up bottom corners. Holes line up. The harness webbing center grommet lines up with the bottom of the three top holes. The webbing blocks the middle hole. So I could mount the wing lining up with the bottom or the top hole.... The questions:
2a.) Dump valve towards diver and inflator port towards tank side - right? And if I do that, with the wing lined up with the bottom holes, the edge of the dump valve would still hit the BP’s side edge near bottom corner if something made it to do that. And if I mount the wing higher it would hit the side of the BP. No issue really (as nothing really causes impact that way, in the water the wing will fold towards the tank...)- right?
2b.) Would it make sense to play with mounting the wing higher or lower on the BP for trying to adjust trim... in hopes of maybe not needing weight on the top cam band?
I am in the process of setting up and checking out my wife’s new (bought used) transpac XT+ travelwing BCD for tomorrow’s pool test dive. What has me stumped a little is that this particular dive rite travel wing has both, the dump valve as well as the inflator port on the same side of the wing. While we may try it both ways, in this case, what would the wisdom of those more seasoned suggest:
Dump and inflator elbow towards the tank side of things ( and risk reaching trouble to the dump if the wing folds up a bit)?
Or both towards the diver side of things (it’s a biggish elbow on an XS woman... we,ll see...)???
2.) And my son is getting a cobbled together W&BP. The wing is not odd... but... so there are three upper and three lower holes for (starting with plastic) bolts to mount the wing. It’s a hog 23l wing with built in “channels” acting as STA. The BP is bought used. No idea what it is, Alu, bent up bottom corners. Holes line up. The harness webbing center grommet lines up with the bottom of the three top holes. The webbing blocks the middle hole. So I could mount the wing lining up with the bottom or the top hole.... The questions:
2a.) Dump valve towards diver and inflator port towards tank side - right? And if I do that, with the wing lined up with the bottom holes, the edge of the dump valve would still hit the BP’s side edge near bottom corner if something made it to do that. And if I mount the wing higher it would hit the side of the BP. No issue really (as nothing really causes impact that way, in the water the wing will fold towards the tank...)- right?
2b.) Would it make sense to play with mounting the wing higher or lower on the BP for trying to adjust trim... in hopes of maybe not needing weight on the top cam band?