October Megadive Rez!!! (10/28-30), Ginnie Springs

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997 bottles of beer on the wall,
997 bottles of beer on the wall, 997 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, and you have...
:djbluey: :bandsmlz:
997 bottles of RUM on the wall,
997 bottles of RUM on the wall, 997 bottles of RUM, take one down, pass it around, and you have...
way to much rum left over..... whens the next party? 996 bottles to drink, I don't think their gonna fit in that rum tote that's floating around :D
Oh so we have 997 bottles of beer and 997 bottles of rum. welllllllllll!

996 bottles of beer and rum, 996 bottles of beer and rum on the wall and in the tote you take one down and take one out and pass them around and now you have....
That's a lot of drink left over.
Seems like a lot of off-gassing to be done... :wink:

Jeano Beano
Is all of that rum left over because Jenny couldn't make it to the megadive?
Is all of that rum left over because Jenny couldn't make it to the megadive?

He he he.
guess we need another megadive..or perhaps a manatee snorkel n dive?? (hint hint)
Oh so we have 997 bottles of beer and 997 bottles of rum. welllllllllll!

what, no tequila?
what, no tequila?
OK heathwe go

996 bottles of beer rum and tequila on thas wall, 996 bottles of beer rum and tequila you taks some down and pour thems a round and you have ...

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