@RAWalker It doesnt happen during download, it happens after download with the computer not even plugged in.. so I dont know what you are talking about driver incompatibility, driver downloads.I sure hope its not using driver cache here a week later after I put the computer in the drawer, 5 reboots later, and the Dive Computer not plugged in. sounds like you dont know as much as you think you do....
It seems to be between the software and its DB, and I have tried dumping and reloading and re-importing from saved logs to no avail... it even happens on dives logged 3 years ago now... its dies on those simply attempting to click on the panel (you dont even get the choice, probably because VEO250 was already selected...
As far as an axe to grind with Oceanic.. yes, I am not happy with them lately after many years of loyalty.. some of their answers and lack of answers together with a seemingly unreasonable service policy have me and other upset.. but Oceanlog has never been a stellar program anyway, and the constant regressions are a sense of frustration.. Some of my buddies just hacked into their db files and wrote their own apps based on the data, but I have always just tried to stay with the mainline app...
The software caches the driver until it has a reason to change it such as it not finding the adapter at the port it was last used on. This is regardless of how many times we reboot without changing ports. Hence the reason to switch ports and force it to call for the driver. Keep plugging into the same port and keep getting errors. But when the correct adapter driver has been installed and we suddenly get an error when trying a download this forced driver reload often clears the problem and after using the other port once you can go back to your preferred port after closing the program and opening it again.
But beyond that I also gave the advice to try and use windows to do a "repair" re-install of the Oceanlog program since a number of us have seen issues after a upgrade which have been resolved with this simple procedure. In Win 7 use the control panels "programs and features" earlier Windows op systems use add or remove programs. Use the "Repair" button in this console.
As for hacking the DB I've opened my logs using Microsoft Access myself but there really is little point. Oceanlog does a better job than most if not all other OEM PDC logging software. It's shortcoming has always been a lack of documentation of the proper use of it's interface leading to user misconceptions, errors and frustration.
I own Oceanic's Atom 1.0, Atom 2.0, VT Pro and VT3 and have logged dives on Oceanlog software using all of them and the Veo 250 using Oceanlog from version 2.1.1 to present 2.2.7 and have had errors to clear and bugs to report but always got the software to work as far as the release would allow. The present version has no bugs that I'm aware of although many still have complaints about the interface it is fully functional.
As a final note this Oceanic forum isn't a regular tech support option. If you are not getting the answers you are looking for here then avail yourself of a standard support option and call Oceanic's tech support phone number.
Your personal issue with Oceanic doesn't help the rest of us that do have a good grasp the hardware/software and are trying to help others.