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Sorry, but in this case Patriotism is the worst criteria I can think of when buying a reg!! This is life supporting equipment! You should buy the best you can afford REGARDINGLESS of the country.
Here Here for Oceanic,

Zeta w/DX4 Delta 3 for the Octo, Chute 2 and Data Trans Plus AI HL
Love all of it, Worked them hard for two years now and never a glitch, Tried and true stay with what works. Thats my theory
I prefer American made stuff anyway, you know Patriotism etc... Oceanic is an American company that makes good stuff, how can it get any better than that.

For what it's worth, I believe that Oceanic designs its regulators in the states, but actual manufacturing is done overseas. This is a change froma few years ago, when manufacture was done in the states.

I suppose that's slightly better than, say, a Mares reg, in terms of supporting US workers, but I would have a hard time defending it as 'american made'.

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