Oceanfest gathering

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scbababe - don't forget the dive sausage deployment technique for the next conch outing!

Yeah!!!.......We could turn it into a contest, the one who inflates a 6fter first ...wins........ gets a T-Shirt!!! :SmileT-sh :pinkandlo
I got called over to our office in Ft. Myers, so I've been offline all morning, but I just had to respond to that last post!

I'll post a more complete trip report later, but suffice it to say that I had a splendid time at OceanFest (all three days!) and had the opportunity to hang out with some great folks.

Many thanks and acknowledgements are due. To be continued a little later this afternoon...

My best to all,
OF course we will... just look for our opening sometime this week (I hope). :D Remember... you heard it here first!
Thanks for the Tee's Doc!! Scbababe and I had a blast with all the people who showed up Saturday and Sunday, especially associating people with screen names of those we had not met until then; counting the rip currents and the *&#@ who stood waist deep in the water next to them, oblivious to the fact that their lives were in jeopardy, was also fun (what was that about baywatch?). On the other hand, the concensus among those veteran beach divers like Grier and Jenny :wink: , was that the currents would have made it easier to get to the reef :D

Marvel, thanks for the comment about Victoria...her mother and I are thinking about a scuba related nickname for her, so we'll see what the current drags in.
Where do I begin?

ScubaBoard had a great turnout at OF 2004. For the ones of you who missed it, let me just say that it was a great time and a wonderful opportunity to see each other in the flesh.

I won't do the Mouseketeer's rollcall of the group(s) that I hung out with, because I'd be sure to leave somebody out, but I was there for all three days and had a great time hanging out with buddies that I usually only see online.

Before I go any further, thanks to NetDoc for the t-shirts. They were a big hit!

OF was a great networking opportunity. We had a chance to talk to several dive vendors about reduced rates for group events. One of the ones that I was most excited about was American Pro Divers of Crystal River, since we've been talking about a outing there for October. We also had opportunity to meet with the REEF and Ocean Watch folks to discuss some service projects for the immediate future, the most recent one being the reef cleanup that Colin addressed in a separate thread.

We did spend quite a bit of time with Pascal Lecoq, the artist that does those wonderful blue paintings of divers (e.g. Matador - you've probably seen the beach towel!) and learned that he's a Ft. Lauderdale neighbor. We've invited him to snorkel one of the local beaches as soon as his show schedule permits. We also tried our best to inspire a painting of "neoprene cowboys" (preferably herding "veal of the sea"), so if you see it in the future, remember that you saw it here first.

Now if we can only get this wind to die down, we could get wet together...

Best to all,
Before anybody has a chance to point it out, I realize that I misspelled Pascal's last name. It's supposed to be Lecocq. (And no, I won't pronounce it!)


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