Hi, truckergirl. My my handle on this web site is snorkelcorey. But I just go by''Corey''. It sounds like you're always looking for some to dive with. I'm like that too, I've always been been ''the do every thing solo type'' In fact, it's always been that way ever since I've been on this earth. If you're interested, but, I'm just making an offer to you, there are a few places here in Canada, especially in Atlantic Canada where they have great diving spots, that you might be interested in checking out.There's a place in the Halifax area called ''Peggy's Cove'' I've seen it, but only once. Halifax is in the Province of Nova Scotia, so Dartmouth. They are just across the Halifax Harbour. In order to get from Halifax to Dartmouth, there are two way of geting back and forth.Thefirst way to get to Halifax from Dartmouth, is by taking a Ferry, The other way is by driving on one of the bridges.The names of these two bridges are the Mckay and the Mackdonald. Feel free to look up my profile, I'm on this site. Snorkelcorey